This course is one of a video series that documents common issues met in working with Microsoft EXCEL. This course presents 10 cases which have been collected directly from real working environments and are intended to share with professionals using EXCEL so that they can learn how to leverage the tool in “the real world”.

For these cases to be relevant and organized, the course first provides a unique view of the Body of Knowledge (BOK) of EXCEL created by the instructor, which is a first in EXCEL training and publications. The BOK illustrates the usual learning path of an EXCEL learner, naturally from basic to intermediate, and then on to advanced and expert levels. The BOK is open-ended with the top level embracing more esoteric skills and future developments in EXCEL.

Under the guidance of the BOK, all cases are tailored to the corresponding knowledge level so that the learner may ascertain which areas they are good at and which require a bit more work. For each case, the course illustrates what the issues are, why the issues exist, and how to solve them. The course also encourages contributions from the audience who believe there may be better ways of resolving these issues. Those suggestions from the audience will be shared and acknowledged in future parts of the series.

This course serves as a refresher for all professionals who need to sharpen their EXCEL skills for professional use.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

2 CoursesExcel Challenges

  1. EXCEL Challenges (Part I): Real Cases from Work
  2. EXCEL Challenges (Part II): Real Cases from Work
Learning Objectives
  • Identify key components in the EXCEL body of knowledge (BOK) created by the instructor
  • Discover 4 major ways of initiating a command in EXCEL
  • Explore the features of cells, rows, columns, sheets, and files in EXCEL
  • Recognize means of achieving dynamic features by using certain formulas and functions
  • Discover ways of deploying commands by using keyboard short-cuts
  • Explore methods to apply appropriate cell format and page layout
Last updated/reviewed: March 25, 2024
22 Reviews (78 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course was presented well. As an experienced user of excel, I was aware of most of the tips presented, however, there were a handful of tips that were helpful to me, that either I had not seen before, or I had not seen in a while, and it was a nice refresher.

Anonymous Author
Well organized presentation with great examples. The first half was definitely beginner-beginner but, I picked up some useful tips in the last couple of cases. Can't wait to see what Mr. Lu presents in Part 2.

Member's Profile
Excellent course with very practical and useful guidance. Mr. Wu is a standout instructor who presents and explains his materials as professionally and effectively as any instructor in the Illumeo stable.

Member's Profile
I found the dynamic range slides particularly useful for automatically calculating the rolling twelve months, etc. That's the biggest takeaway from the course for me. Thank you!

Member's Profile
- Screen sizing was a little off so couldn't see very top or bottom. - Most of the cases were pretty basic but 9 & 10 were fairly advanced. - Generally well presented.

Member's Profile
many of the courses, like this one, need to be given more CPE for time necessary to stop in presentation & practice skills as they are being taught.

Anonymous Author
I have not used the offset formula before and this was a great way to learn about it and instances of where it might be good to use

Member's Profile
I wish the .xls file shown as support were both in finished form (after formulas) and pre-formula form for additional practice

Member's Profile
Mostly a very basic course. If you're new to excel, spend the time. If you're experienced, maybe jump to 9/10, or skip.

Member's Profile
Great course! Even for me, an experience user, advanced videos was really helpful. Thanks a lot Professor!

Member's Profile
Lenny is a great instructor. Enjoyed the examples and step by step learning.

Member's Profile
Lesson 10 was somewhat confusing. Overall, picked up some good shortcuts.

Anonymous Author
could have used more time on case 10 since this was entirely new to me

Anonymous Author
Thank you, Lenny for another excellent course. Many helpful tips!

Member's Profile
Very good course with some surprisingly effective tricks & tips.

Member's Profile
Well organized information that was useful and easy to digest.

Member's Profile
Great overview of Excel tips and tricks. It's good.

Anonymous Author
Good tips on a wide variety of Excel issues.

Anonymous Author
Use of the offset formula was helpful.

Member's Profile
The course is so helpful.

Anonymous Author
great short course!

Anonymous Author
Good stuff!

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Real Cases from Work5:30
  Case 1 – Phantom file (Basic)6:37
  Case 2 – Copy a new sheet (Basic)2:43
  Case 3 – Credit card woes (Basic)3:06
  Case 4 – Quickly insert rows (Basic)2:09
  Case 5 – Cursor right in data entry (Basic)3:25
  Case 6 – Repeat top rows on all pages (Basic)3:51
  Case 7 – Quick access toolbar (Intermediate)4:08
  Case 8 – Quicker way to sum (Intermediate)4:57
  Case 9 – Dynamic transpose (Advanced)8:31
  Case 10 – Dynamic Range (Advanced)8:34
  Case 10 – Dynamic Range (Advanced) Continued11:43
  Summary (Slides 16-18)3:56
Continuous Play
  EXCEL Challenges (Part I): Real Cases from Work 1:09:10
  Slides: Real Cases from WorkPDF
  Real Cases from Work Glossary/IndexPDF
  Excel challenges - Part I - FinalXLSX