Not currently accepting new students

NOTE: This course is suspended, in the process of being updated for 2025 and will be available soon.

This Colorado Accountancy Rules and Regulations (CR&R) Review Course is designed to meet the 2-hour Colorado Board of Accountancy Statutes, Rules, and Regulations (CR&R) requirement of the Colorado State Board of Accountancy. The course provides an overview of Colorado’s Revised Statutes Title 12, Article 2 and examines in depth CCR 705-1: RULES OF THE STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY as well as any 2016 updates.

This course will discuss:

  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Code of Professional Conduct and how to apply it to accountancy. It also discusses morality and definitions of moral judgment.
  • The organization and duties of the Colorado Board. It also discusses any new legislative changes impacting accountancy. It explains: the Proper Use of Holding out; the types of approved certificates as well as their maintenance; the continuing professional education requirements; proper use of names and as well as mobility/practice privileges and reciprocity.
  • The Rules for Colorado based Firms including: Registration, Name, Disclosures and Peer Review.
  • The Professional Conduct Rules and how to apply them including unlawful acts, client records, accountant/client privilege and understanding the grounds for disciplinary action.

This Colorado course taken in combination with the Illumeo General Ethics course provides 4 hours of continuing professional education sufficient to meet the Colorado state continuing professional education requirement.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore how to apply Colorado statutes to Public Accountancy.
  • Identify standards of professional conduct.
  • Discover results of disciplinary proceedings resulting from misconduct.
Last updated/reviewed: March 28, 2024
35 Reviews (93 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course provided the content in a clear and concise format. However, in order for participants to better retain the information, the instructor could highlight the most important items or give a summary of the information or personal examples.

Anonymous Author
It serves its purpose My only complaint is that the instructor is a bit monotone and the lessons were not engaging. But there isn’t much more to be done when the subject of a course is plain anyways.

Anonymous Author
The course was very informative, but covered a large amount of material. I would recommend the person taking the course break it up into sections, as it is a lot of material to cover all at one time.

Anonymous Author
The course was well organized and works as an important refresher to the relevant rules and regulations in place. Materials very much appreciated by this Colorado accountant!

Anonymous Author
A dry course but the information is easily understood and the power points show the most relevant data though they could be shortened somewhat for clarity.

Anonymous Author
The course is pretty straightforward. It's ethics, so it's going to be dry, but the instructor does a great job of outlining the important areas.

Anonymous Author
It is an easy, quick course. Wish could select the speed of the lecture. One of the practice quiz answers was incorrect, in my opinion.

Anonymous Author
This course met the required learning objectives. The instructor was effective, but as you can imagine the material is bit dry.

Member's Profile
Very clear, to the point and appreciated by this user. Course and materials were appropriate for the subject matter. Thank you.

Member's Profile
The presentation was very vanilla and boring. More real life examples would give better grasp of real world ethics applications

Anonymous Author
This was a well designed course, it included everything I would have expected from it and was much cheaper than other sources.

Member's Profile
The information I needed was organized in an easy to understand manner. Supporting materials made it easy to understand.

Anonymous Author
A little boring. Instructor could have included some examples and enthusiasm instead of just reading from the slides.

Member's Profile
i am not sure why i have to fill this out and how do i get my cpe cert since when i enrolled it gave me an email error

Member's Profile
Presenter may have given some practical aspects while going over the CR&R to make the learning more interesting

Member's Profile
Great way to satisfy the requirement. The course was helpful and the flexibility of doing it online was great.

Anonymous Author
This course was helpful and informative. Quick and easy way to fulfill the Colorado R&R Course requirement.

Member's Profile
The test had a question about the number of board numbers and this was not covered in the course material

Anonymous Author
I think he could have talked faster and less monotone, but overall provided enough relevant information.

Member's Profile
It would have been better to attach the latest version of CR&R as reference material (vs slides).

Member's Profile
Presenter was a bit on the monotone side. Would like to have some "spice" in the presentation

Member's Profile
This may be the worst course I've ever taken. I'd need to think back... no, it's the worst.

Member's Profile
The presenter was difficult to follow and seemed to just read the contents of the slides.

Anonymous Author
Course content was a bit boring so the presenter could have sound more enthused.

Anonymous Author
The course was informative, but sometimes the information was redundant.

Anonymous Author
More interaction (ie quiz questions after each video) would be helpful.

Anonymous Author
Good to be reminded of the CO rules and regulations for CPA's.

Anonymous Author
Speaker is pretty monotone. I felt as he was just reading.

Member's Profile
The course was thorough, however the presentation was dry.

Member's Profile
Course met my expectations and requirements for ethics.

Member's Profile
Very technical, but I understand why it needed to be.

Member's Profile
This is my first Illumeo far, so good.

Member's Profile
Mere reiteration of rules (Self explanatory)

Member's Profile
Good and informative.

Member's Profile
Very concise

Course Complexity: Foundational

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Colorado Regulatory Requirements4:46
CPA Designation
  Certified Public Accountant Designation12:09
  Certified Public Accountant Designation Cont'd4:48
  Status of Certificate9:52
  Continuing Professional Education CPE11:51
  Peer Review Requirement 11:50
Rules of Professional Conduct
  Rules of Professional Conduct 9:38
  Rules of Professional Conduct Cont'd12:01
Continuous Play
  Colorado Regulatory Requirements1:16:53
  Slides: Colorado Accountancy Rules and Regulations Review CoursePDF
  Colorado Ethics Review Course Glossary/IndexPDF