It is more difficult than ever to get the attention of buyers and speak with them. You know this if you have ever had a voice mail not returned, been screened out by a gatekeeper, gotten shot down in the first 10 seconds of a call, or did not stimulate rapt attention in your listener. In this program, you will learn how to avoid those problems, AND you will learn what to say instead.
In this cold calling training course you'll learn how the best sales reps avoid the mistakes that unsuccessful reps make every day, and employ Smart Calling strategies and tactics to get through, get in, and sell. You see how to employ a repeatable process to gather sales intelligence in order to make your messaging relevant and personalized. You see how to create your customized Possible Value Propositions. And you develop word-for-word messaging to use on your prospecting calls that minimizes the chance for resistance and creates interest.
Learning Objectives
- Identify where and how to gather your relevant prospect intelligence
- Discover how to conduct “social engineering” to gather even more information prior to a call
- Explore how to set “Secondary Objectives” that ensure you are never rejected on a call again, and help you to plant seeds for the future
- Discover how to implement the smart calling four-step process and plug your sales intelligence and value statements into it in order to create interest
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No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course.