Cash is always one of the most important resources in any organization. The bookkeepers have intense pressure to keep cash at bank balance up to date. The bookkeepers often struggle to match up the cash book balance and bank statement balance.

This course explains the methodology and art of bank reconciliation. Where you learn from the scratch to expert level that how to prepare, maintain, develop and most important reconcile cash book and bank statements. Plus, how to report the cash figures in financial statements.

Moreover, the trainees usually do have knowledge about the subject matter but they fail to apply that in the real-life scenarios. This course helps to apply your knowledge in most complex bank reconciliation real life scenarios and to make you PRO bookkeeper.

Course Key Concepts: Bank Reconciliation, Bookkeeping, Accounting, Accountancy, CPA, ACCA, Financial, Accountant, Bookkeeper, Cashbook, Bank Statement, Training.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore the purpose of reconciliation of the bank ledger account to the corresponding bank statement.
  • Identify errors and omissions in the bank ledger account and bank statement.
  • Identify timing differences.
  • Explore the methodology to make the correcting entries in the bank ledger account.
  • Learn the reconciliation between the bank statement balance and the corrected bank ledger account.
  • Identify the bank balance to be reported in the final accounts.
Last updated/reviewed: March 10, 2024
16 Reviews (66 ratings)


Member's Profile
Course is heavily focused on timing differences between bank balance and financial statements. It is a pretty technical course that involves calculation but it helps with grasping the concepts.

Anonymous Author
back to basic !!! bank reconciliation was accounting beginner's position but in thesedays almost automativ reconciliation by tool specially verifying deposit side from customers.

Anonymous Author
Good real examples of bank reconciliation problems that are faced when reconciling the book. Very applicable course for anyone in accounting and finance for a private company.

Member's Profile
I feel like the wording being used in this course is confusing and can be easily misunderstood. I have never heard many of these terms used before.

Member's Profile
Good course but got a bit confusing coming from a US perspective as some of the terminology is not different.

Member's Profile
Sajid's course on bank reconciliations had lots of good content, but was a bit hard to understand him

Member's Profile
Different terminology than we have in the US. Good information but not the best presentation.

Anonymous Author
Excellent refresher course for someone who has not done a bank reconciliation in some time.

Anonymous Author
The training seems a bit outdated when talking about cash book and purchase journal.

Member's Profile
Good introduction to bank recs and walks through examples to explain it further

Member's Profile
Good review of a basic reconciliation. Thank you for providing the course.

Anonymous Author
Good course ! Helpful to practice the concepts with lots of examples.

Anonymous Author
This is a really good dive into Bookkeeping: The Bank Reconciliation.

Anonymous Author
A couple of exam questions ere not discussed in course teaching.

Member's Profile
very good course, good presentation and pertinent information

Member's Profile
A good recap of the basic bank reconciliation issues.

Course Complexity: Foundational

The basic bookkeeping knowledge is required.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Course Introduction and Preview7:02
  The Bank Reconciliation Concept12:39
  Purpose of Bank Reconciliation12:10
  Methodology of Bank Reconciliation12:32
  Common Errors and Adjustments18:54
  Importance of Internal Control14:58
  Example One8:45
  Example Two10:20
  Example Three5:24
  A Comprehensive Case Study17:36
  Bookkeeping: The Bank Reconciliation2:00:20
  Slides: Bookkeeping: The Bank ReconciliationPDF
  Bookkeeping: The Bank Reconciliation Glossary/ IndexPDF
  Examples and Case StudyXLXS