Blockchain use to improve business processes and create new lines of business is rapidly growing, and most business are likely to use blockchain technology. This course provides a high-level overview of key blockchain design principles and common implementation problems. This lesson does not get into blockchain programming, but does go over some key programming terminology and high-level issues that you need to be familiar with.
After an overview of the architecture of Hyperledger Fabric and the leading blockchain for business use, the course goes through 16 key blockchain design principles. Blockchain interoperability is addressed since most businesses over time are likely to find themselves using several blockchains. Then some common blockchain implementation problems are addressed.
Course Key Concepts: Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Information Technology, Process Improvement, Blockchain Applications, Private and Permissioned Blockchains, Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, Business Operations, Competitive Advantage, Blockchain interoperability,
Learning Objectives
- Recognize basics of Hyperledger Fabric Architecture
- Discover key Blockchain Design Principles
- Discover options to improve Blockchain Interoperability
- Explore common Blockchain Implementation Problems and ways to avoid them
Included In Certifications
This course is included in the following Certification Programs:
10 CoursesBlockchain Applications Analyst Certification
- Understanding Blockchain Technology and its Capabilities
- Blockchain Use in Supply Chains and Systems Integration
- Advanced Blockchain Business Applications
- Private, Permissioned, Business Blockchains
- Blockchain for Business Process Reengineering and Competitive Advantage
- How to Assess Blockchain Value for Your Organization
- How to do Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to assess Blockchain Value for Your Organization
- Calculating Blockchain Application ROI
- Blockchain Design and Implementation
- Blockchain Advanced Uses and Future Developments
6 Reviews (18 ratings)
Students need to know both how blockchain works and common blockchain business
applications. Completing the Illumeo courses “Understanding blockchain technology
and its capabilities,” “Private, Permissioned Blockchains,” and “Blockchain Application”
beforehand is highly recommended.
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