In this course we discuss the foundations of communicating within the world of Human Resources. 

Communication is the lifeblood of any organization and the Human Resources (H.R.) professional who masters the ability to communicate effectively is hired and promoted quicker, builds stronger relationships, and elevates their job performance productivity and profitability. 

We first provide an introduction to a 3D approach to communication.  This is a significant shift from the old 2D approach and opens the door to many more opportunities.    From there we explore the demands of building relationships with a wide range of employees; from top executives to mid-level managers to front line staff.  This also includes exploring the generational differences within these relationships. 

At last, we consider nine contexts where Human Resources professionals spend most of their time:  Informing, Confronting, Collaborating, Negotiating, Persuading, Empathizing, Resolving, Initiating and Innovating.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

3 CoursesBest Practices for Communicating in Human Resources

  1. Best Practices for Communicating in Human Resources
  2. Best Practices for Listening Effectively in Human Resources
  3. Best Practices of HR Communication with the “C” Suite
Learning Objectives
  • Explore the 3D approach to communication.
  • Discover the unique perspective of individual you are seeking to communicate with.
  • Recognize the unique approaches necessary with each of the 9 contexts. 
Last updated/reviewed: March 7, 2024
30 Reviews (96 ratings)


Anonymous Author
While the information review was good, I found some of the questions to be poorly worded. I could have gone more than one way with a few of them. For example, the definition of confrontation in an HR role is described as determining blame. The lecture speaks of finding common ground or empathy with a young child. Since the test response doesn't tell you which item you got wrong you can go in circles until you determine which it is.

Anonymous Author
This course provided insightful and useful tactics to create shared meaning to effectively communicate with others. The concepts of the 3D model can easily be applied to personal and professional communication. The facilitator also did an excellent job of providing clear and concise supporting materials to reiterate key concepts.

Anonymous Author
Not a bad course. I get the concept but wish I would've had better understanding of all the things he was talking about. This guy is super nice and I can tell he is genuine; however, PhD's are typically a little harder to understand when they lecture like they're teaching a PhD class.

Anonymous Author
The is a very informative course. The way in which the concepts are presented is helpful and it is easy to understand. The instructor was engaging and was able to keep this interesting. This course could be useful across many levels of an organization.

Member's Profile
I appreciate Dr. Murfield's passion for 3D communication. I agree with the importance of seeking to understand another person's perspective when communicating, but putting so much thought into every conversation seems overwhelming to me.

Anonymous Author
This was a very interesting course. The instructor did a good job of clearly communicating the contents and details of the course. This class offered me insight into how to be a better communicator.

Member's Profile
This course was very helpful in putting what I though I knew into an organized, concrete format. The lecture and the examples were very clear and easy to understand. Thank you.

Anonymous Author
Course had good content. It was fairly difficult to listen to the presenter as every sentence spoken was made to sound like it was ground breaking information.

Anonymous Author
This was an interesting course on different methods of communication. It helps show how to find common ground and approach conversations constructively.

Anonymous Author
Great class on how to improve your communication skills. I should be able to implement these principles immediately in my career.

Member's Profile
Author will explain the key concepts of communication and different communiations models useful in the contemporary world.

Member's Profile
I recommend this course to anyone who would like to refresh or brush up on their communication understanding and skills.

Member's Profile
HR isn't really my area but the course was informative and the speaker relayed the information in a pleasant manner.

Anonymous Author
Very well spoken. Good information. This was a bit outside of my expertise and so it was very helpful to me.

Anonymous Author
Great lesson that taught me so many things. I can now effectively communicate with those around me .

Anonymous Author
Provided great insight as to how we can improve our communication skills with today's diverse world.

Member's Profile
This course helped me to understand the complex communication process in the Human Resources field.

Anonymous Author
I appreciate the perspective and insight. HR has definitely changed from what it was in the past.

Anonymous Author
A very thoughtful course on the methods to create effective communication.

Anonymous Author
2D communication vs 3D communication was very informative. Thank you for a good job.

Anonymous Author
Great course but was very confused on the ambiguity of some of the exam questions.

Anonymous Author
I liked the terminology that was used to describe different communication tactics.

Anonymous Author
This really opened my mind. I appreciate the ideas of a 3-D model of communication.

Member's Profile
easy to understand, nice slides using pictures to explain the models, good wording.

Member's Profile
great course learned everything i needed to pass test i definitely recommend

Member's Profile
Communication is the cornerstone to any successful relationship.

Member's Profile
This course provides some great tools for communication.

Member's Profile
Thank you for the information. Good Share! Awesome job.

Member's Profile
great info and concepts. Definitely insightful material

Anonymous Author
great course to help HR professionals. Thank you!

Course Complexity: Foundational

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Best Practices for Communicating in Human Resources2:02
The 3D Model
  3D Approach to Communication12:24
  The 3D Model9:16
  The 3D Model (Continued)8:08
  Discover How to Identify with Anyone12:53
  Applying the Model, Part 114:40
  Applying the Model, Part 2 & Conclusion14:15
  Best Practices for Communicating in Human Resources1:13:31
  Slides: Best Practices for Communicating in Human ResourcesPDF
  Best Practices for Communicating in Human Resources Glossary/IndexPDF