This is the first of a multi-part series following the structure of my book Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing which follows the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) Certified Information Systems Auditor qualification syllabus.

The whole series takes the aspiring IT auditor from the basics all the way through to advanced concepts and techniques for conducting professional IT audits.

Both the book and the courses have proven of major assistance to auditors for the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) exam as well as Part 1 of the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) examination of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).

Part 1 of the series covers the overall technology underlying modern computer systems as well the role and functionality of IT Audit.

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

5 CoursesAuditor's Guide to IT Auditing

  1. Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 1: Technology Underlying Modern Computer Systems and the Role of IT Audit
  2. Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 2: Risks Within Today's IT Systems and Fundamental Audit Concepts
  3. Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 3: Primary Audit Controls and Roles
  4. Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 4
  5. Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part 5
Learning Objectives
  • Identify the major elements in today’s IT systems
  • Discover how to determine the overall control architecture within an IT environment
  • Identify the major control objectives within the IT environment
  • Identify the activities contained within a standard Systems Development Life Cycle
  • Discover the potential Scope and Objectives of IT Audit



Last updated/reviewed: March 8, 2024
68 Reviews (234 ratings)


Anonymous Author
course had a lot of content but the slides did not contain all information reviewed by the instructor. The exam questions were not included in any of the provided slides making it very dificult to listen, keep notes and then have the information available to answer the questions. Instructor should either include talking points in the slides that will be in the exam questions, or make the exam questions be on written/provided materials

Anonymous Author
Agree with others that a few of the exam questions were not covered in the material. The course is also somewhat dated; at the beginning, the instructor indicates his next book would be published in 2016. Enjoyed the instructor's direct style and subject knowledge, but would have appreciated more current material an a review of the final exam questions.

Anonymous Author
The course provides a high level review of IT auditing, including the coverage over key IT auditing concepts/framework. The course also touches on the components of a computer system/network, controls, auditing objectives, and potential concerns. In addition, it also dives in to Internal Audit's role in auditing information systems.

Anonymous Author
The content of the course was consistent with the course description and was informative and relevent to today's business environment. Although the presentation was a bit monotonous, my overall opinion of the corse was favorabke. The course was a good introduction to the concept of IT auditing.

Member's Profile
Information was well presented although at times a bit abstract. As other commenters noted, the exam covered information not addressed in the course. I am a very good test taker and I had to take it twice and really examine the questions carefully to pass.

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
The content of the course was okay and some of it doesn't change over time. However, a lot of the examples are quite dated, and I think there are better alternatives available. I would not recommend this course.

Member's Profile
one of the few courses that I have not enjoyed. I had to go through the recording several times and through the slides, etc. to address some questions and on a couple of the questions.

Anonymous Author
This was a great and through course. I always enjoy hearing different people talk about the basics of any subject. Without fail I always walk away with a new perspective of the thing.

Member's Profile
The course materials do not cover final exam questions. Every bullet in these slides could be detailed in pages. I believe that prerequisites for this course are wrongly defined.

Member's Profile
The content of the course was good but i thing the slides could have been organized better.The presenter monotone delivery was boring . Almost fell asleep.

Anonymous Author
This may or may not align with CISA materials. It probably will later on but compared to the CISA review manual, it's not consistent with the first chapter.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course did a fine job overviewing the objectives of certain elements of the IT Audit Process, including the data & transactions objectives.

Member's Profile
This was a good course for someone who is new to the auditing industry. The instructor is knowledgeable on the subject. I'll continue with his courses.

Anonymous Author
Concise training and straight to the point. I have known the basic of IT audit and am familiar with the basic components because of this.

Member's Profile
The training was okay, it runs through most topics on information system. This course will be useful for IT auditors and other professions

Member's Profile
The course was a good review of IS auditing. The instructor was detailed. The accompanying slides could have included more detail.

Member's Profile
This course does give you a taste of what IT audit and it reads out the major terms used in IT auditing. Worth the time and efforts.

Anonymous Author
Great course of Auditor's guide to IT Auditing - Part 1 - Technology underlying modern computer systems and the role of IT audit.

Member's Profile
Course was fantastic. Final exam however had misleading questions and did not seem to focus on key aspects from the course.

Anonymous Author
Great review of the IT Audit Process and controls for financial auditors who may not be all familiar with IT Audit.

The course was good; the exam was horrible. Questions weren't really applicable to IT Security, Auditing or Risk.

Member's Profile
Great course! Learned many components of IS. Need to review the course thoroughly in order to take the final exam.

Member's Profile
Well presented. The availability of the script for the presentation would be helpful in reviewing the material.

Anonymous Author
The content was informative however the final exam did not align with the information contained in the course.

Member's Profile
This course was very effective at delivering the ideas needed to be a more effective leader, and professional.

Anonymous Author
A thorough course in the beginning basics of IT Auditing. I look forward to the other courses in this series.

Anonymous Author
The course objectives were met although the final exam questions did not pertain to the material covered.

Anonymous Author
I've used illumeo for years to complete my CPEs. I've never had a problem with the material or the exams.

Anonymous Author
Good refresh on basic information.

Member's Profile
Course contained good information. This will be useful to any associate level employees to learn from.

Anonymous Author
This is a refreshing course. Nothing surprised me. This will be beneficial to new performance auditors.

Anonymous Author
The is course a good introduction to Information Systems Audit. It is very informative and structured.

Anonymous Author
Course was difficult to listen to and the slides did not help you keep up with what was being said.

Anonymous Author
Informative and good content, but exam questions did not align with what was in the presentation.

Anonymous Author
This course provides a basic understanding of the IT process and how to identify areas for audit.

Anonymous Author
I like the course as it fits the non IT auditors. The presenter needs to be more interactive.

Member's Profile
This is an academic training with little alignment to real life IS Auditing and standards.

Anonymous Author
I liked how the IT audit structure was explained. It was easy to understand and relate too.

Anonymous Author
Personal experiences are interesting. Information is a little outdated but still useful.

Member's Profile
Good course but i would suggest to add more life examples of most common control issues

Anonymous Author
This course does give you an overview of IT audit and is well organized and presented.

Member's Profile
Great course. Perfect coverage of the key topics. Not too long, Very straightforward.

Member's Profile
Great course. Would definitely recommend. The instructor is definitely informative.

Anonymous Author
Great information for new IS auditors and for experienced ones who want to review.

Anonymous Author
I wonder whether the questions in the final exam are all covered in the course.

Anonymous Author
Good review course for IT auditors. Would recommend to new IT auditors as well.

Member's Profile
Class was okay! A bit congested. Needed more clarity in explaining the text.

Member's Profile
I am curious always about IT things, because those are very innovative.

Member's Profile
Some exam questions appeared not to come directly from course material.

Anonymous Author
good historical perspective on how batch has transformed into on-line

Anonymous Author
Great introduction to IS Auditing and it's roles/responsibilities.

Anonymous Author
Test questions were not captured in the presentation materials.

Anonymous Author
Coherent, understandable. Good introduction. Would recommend.

Member's Profile
Too technical for my preference, but overall a good course.

Member's Profile
The course seemed to provide a good overview of IT Auditing.

Member's Profile
Helpful course for understanding the role of an IT auditor.

Anonymous Author
The exam questions were not reflective of course content.

Anonymous Author
good course for beginner internal auditors. recommended.

Anonymous Author
Good class, some of the exam questions were confusing.

Member's Profile
This course is very useful, but difficult to focus on.

Member's Profile
good general overview-useful for non-IT professionals

Anonymous Author
Overall it was a good course that covered the basics.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed the IT focus. More courses please!

Member's Profile
Very structured and useful training.

Anonymous Author
Good refresher course.

Anonymous Author
The course was useful

Anonymous Author
Very concise.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
IT Auditing Part 1
  The IT Audit Process9:57
  Control Procedures 10:43
  Types of Controls 9:21
  Batch Vs. Online11:01
  Availability 11:43
  Why Have Internal Audit?12:24
Continuous Play
  Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part I Full Video1:07:03
  Slides: Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part IPDF
  Auditor’s Guide to IT Auditing – Part I Glossary/IndexPDF