Whether you are the interviewer or the person being interviewed, there are many commonalities to what you do and say.  In this course we discuss the more common interview situations found in the workplace and offer suggestions for handling each of these situations.

The process of interacting with other people is both an art and a science.  The interview situation is no different, so wherever possible the advice we give will include some of the techniques used by those who are artful. Sometimes the information offered  will cover pre-interview strategies, such as networking and resume writing.

We cover the interviewer's role as hiring manager, HR or private recruiter, having to counsel an employee whose work is not up to par, investigating a complaint of inappropriate behavior and responding to a request for an informational interview.  For the interviewee we discuss seeking a promotion, job searching, proving your worth, or why the job didn’t get done and responding to an allegation of inappropriate behavior.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the best source of job hunting
  • Recognize best practices in seeking a raise or promotion
  • Recognize best practices for going on an interview
Last updated/reviewed: March 14, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

29 CoursesMastering Management Certification

  1. Preventing Harassment, Abusive Behavior, Bullying, And Discrimination In the Workplace
  2. The Art and Science of Interviewing
  3. Investigating a Complaint of Inappropriate Behavior in The Workplace
  4. Understanding Our Unconscious Biases
  5. Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Management’s Role
  6. Management Providing Safety and Better Ergonomics
  7. Maintaining a Culture of Innovation and Creativity
  8. Managing Passive People
  9. Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
  10. Resolving Workplace Conflict
  11. Company Culture: Creating and Maintaining the Best
  12. Part I: Cultural and Behavioral Information for Business in an International – Global Environment
  13. Part II: Country Specific, Cultural, and Behavioral Information - Doing Business in a Global Environment
  14. Effective Time Management and Goal Setting/Delegation
  15. Culture: Inside the Company and Outside the Country
  16. Cognitive Styles (Styles of Thinking, Talking, Giving and Receiving Information)
  17. Finding Success with Teams Working Far Apart
  18. Change Management: The People Side
  19. Effective Workplace Negotiation and Persuasion
  20. Ethics and Attitude in the Workplace
  21. Creating Rewards and Recognitions that Get You What You Want to Achieve
  22. Onboarding: From Entry-Level to Senior Executive
  23. Marrying Career Development with Succession Planning
  24. Visibility Enhances Promotability
  25. Delegating Skills for Managers
  26. Assertiveness Skills for Executives, Managers and HR Professionals
  27. How EQ Helps Motivate Your Staff
  28. Effective Meeting Management for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators
  29. Communication: A Two-Way Process
32 Reviews (115 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I enjoyed that this course covered the various types of interviews that you might encounter and provided tips for both interviewer or interviewee. I felt that this presenter had a couple hot buttons that were emphasized too much (for example, years of experience required for roles), which were relevant points but were over emphasized so much that it lost it's effect for me.

Anonymous Author
This course provided a general overview of the interview process as well as networking techniques. The instructor effectively presented content in a logical framework, coupled with relevant supporting materials. A nice refresher that touches on the balancing act between art and science.

Anonymous Author
ArLyne's courses are always taught well and informative. This course covers the absolute basics for a job interview (being either the interviewer/interviewee), but also touches on other interviews one may be a part of such as a job promotion, counseling an employee's behavior, etc.

Anonymous Author
Great course. Stated prerequisite requirements were appropriate and sufficient. Program materials were relevant and contributed to the achievement of the learning objectives.

Member's Profile
Too many topics covered that it lost its appeal and attention span.Could be divided into different parts as responsibilities and interests of HR and Interviewee are different.

Member's Profile
This is a decent primer on interviewing and networking but also includes things like how to handle employee conflict and issue resolution which may not be of interest.

Member's Profile
A good resource for both interviewer and interviewee; however, some of the multiple choices are misleading, since there could be more than one correct answer.

Member's Profile
Good topics, relevant information provided, not limited to job interview only, also includes other situations such as investigation interviews.

Anonymous Author
The instructor seemed disorganized and sounded like she was reading her notes. I wouldn't recommend another course with this instructor.

Anonymous Author
The course is helpful and informative. It gives proper ways and techniques on how to be an effective interviewer or interviewee.

Anonymous Author
Excellent presentation and discussion on the art and science of interviewing, with practical examples and insights.

Anonymous Author
Amazing course with helpful information to conduct and (or) participate successfully a job interview.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course for prepairing either the interviewer or for the interviewee for the process.

Anonymous Author
Decent course that provides applicable tips and guidance relevant to interviewing and networking.

Anonymous Author
This course was informative and interesting. It was laid outwell and provided useful information.

Member's Profile
The presenter was easy to listen to and kept the course interesting.

Member's Profile
Interviewing can be tricky. Lots of helpful hints in this course.

Member's Profile
Very well put together. Interesting, relevant and engaging!

Member's Profile
A lot of very practical tips. Very interesting.

Anonymous Author
Very comprehensive and thorough presentation.

Anonymous Author
Telling it from both side was very helpful.

Anonymous Author
Not enough solid materials; just basic info

Member's Profile
Liked it. Learned quite a few new things

Member's Profile
Really grounded training!

Anonymous Author
Nice refresher course.

Anonymous Author
Good refresher

Member's Profile
great class!

Anonymous Author
great course

Member's Profile
not so hot

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Member's Profile

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No Advanced Preparation or Prerequisites are needed for this course. 

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Interviewing5:52
Interviewing: The Art and Science
  What Do You Do When You Are at The Right Event?10:12
  Conducting The Interview as Hiring Manager or Recruiter 12:37
  The Interview Process (Continues)12:42
  The Old Way of Interviewing 12:16
  The Informational Interview8:28
  The Interview Itself 6:54
  Interviewing: The Art and Science1:09:03
  Slides: InterviewingPDF
  Interviewing Glossary/IndexPDF