This course is for all those who want to acquire outside money for their service or project. There are so many reasons why an individual or an organization would want to acquire additional money. Grants are one way of getting the money you need for projects that are of value to the grantor.

There are many grantors and research is required to find the ones that match your need. The library is a great source as is a search on Google. There is advance preparation necessary so you can show your organization off at its best, and then the professional looking grant request itself.

We walk you through each and every step of this process. We call it an Art because there has to be an emotional appeal as well as compliance with the donor’s wants and needs. It is a science because you need to have a carefully thought out proposal and project with facts and figures proving their worth.

This course is for anyone in a non-profit trying to gain money for projects, as well as any individual who thinks he or she has something of value to research or deliver.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify those aspects of your organization, programs, and projects that have an emotional pull showing the value of what you seek.
  • Recognize how very different grantors are and how to find the correct ones for your need.
  • Explore the financial aspects of your organization as well as what this project will require – and how to match that to the grantors outline.
  • Discover the importance of addressing both the art and science elements of your request.
  • Identify the important elements of your project and how to match it to the grantor’s wants.
Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024
3 Reviews (12 ratings)


Member's Profile
Good backgrounder. Interesting take on how the importance of organizations vision/mission can drive grant success.

Anonymous Author
This was an informative introduction to grant writing. The instructor gave useful examples of what is required.

Anonymous Author
Basic overview of grant writing and some elements to consider for non profits.

Course Complexity:

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to The Art and Science of Grant Writing2:36
  Advanced Preparations6:05
  Elements of The Request11:30
  Who Do You Serve?3:31
  The Essential Ingredients of The Request4:42
  Writing the Proposal4:16
  After You Have Sent The Proposal and Tips6:42
  The Art and Science of Grant Writing41:00
  Slides: The Art and Science of Grant WritingPDF
  The Art and Science of Grant Writing Glossary/ IndexPDF