Those in a supervisory or managerial role must create a culture of discipline, where a high priority is placed in accomplishing responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner. This module provides best practices for various areas that support this culture of discipline, including time, team, and project management.

Major Topics:

  • Creating a culture of discipline
  • Project and time management best practices
  • Avoiding common time wasters
  • Tips for both getting -- and staying -- organized
  • Managing stress for yourself and others
  • Managing productive meetings


Learning Objectives
  • Discover and discuss the traits of a disciplined culture for teams.
  • Recognize and describe best practices for project and time management.
  • Identify and list ways to manage stress for maximum productivity.
  • Explore and explain best practices for effective meetings.
Last updated/reviewed: March 6, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

13 CoursesAudit Training Certification - Level 4 - Supervisor/Manager

  1. Audit Quality Control - Avoiding Peer Review Deficiencies
  2. Internal Control Deficiencies and Other Matters - Adding Value Through Required Auditor Communications
  3. Auditing Impairment of Long-Lived Assets, Including Goodwill - Identifying and Calculating Impairment Losses
  4. Maximizing Analytic Procedure Evidence - Adding Value Through Useful Financial Statement Analysis
  5. Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value - Evaluating the Propriety of Areas with Uncertainty
  6. Special Audit Considerations - Comprehending Requirements of Group Audits, Compliance Audits, Using the Work of a Specialist or Others, and More!
  7. The Art of Discipline and Getting Things Done - Applying Better Time, Team, and Project Management Techniques
  8. Management Skills - Exhibiting Traits of a Balanced Leader-Manager
  9. Personality Styles - Adapting to Different Types of Personalities for Improved Relationships and Interactions
  10. Making Rain - Improving Success with Retaining Clients and Attracting Prospects
  11. General Ethics for Business Professionals
  12. Accounting Update - Hot Topics for Preparing Current Period Financial Statements
  13. Auditing & Attest Update - Hot Topics for Current Period Audits and Other Attest Services
23 Reviews (142 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I'm not thrilled about the subject matter, but the presenter did as well as could be, I thought.

Member's Profile
Very thoughtfully prepared and delivered. I was encouraged by the reminder at the outset that discipline is really about closing the gap between where I want to go and my current capability level. Great examples of how we can build on our strengths while addressing our weaknesses (which we all have). I can feel how the instructor learned, including through making mistakes, what to do and what not to do.

Anonymous Author
Good presentation on time management, tips on how to effectively run a meeting, overview of change management, and personality traits that can get in the way -- all of which impact your ability to stay disciplined and get things done.

Anonymous Author
This was a good refresher course. The instructor presented the material well with a good flow between topics. I appreciate the tips on handling various personalities to enable productive meetings.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course! I found myself applying the personality types to individuals I work with and the tips listed here for working with each appear to be helpful if implemented

Anonymous Author
I was familiar with much of the course's information, but it was a good refresher. The instructor always does a good job in explaining and providing examples related to the topic.

Anonymous Author
Good tips on how to manage time and teams to be more effective. Describes different personality types and how to optimize each. Tips on to do lists, meetings, and more.

Member's Profile
Excellent Corse. The instructor did a wonderful job of explaining the concepts and provided real life examples of how to implement actions.

Anonymous Author
Decent intro to organizational arch-types and how to handle them while building rapport and instilling discipline in the workplace.

Anonymous Author
Really great course! I enjoyed the topic of holding better meetings. This is one area we potentially waste a lot of time everyday.

Member's Profile
Great material with practical advice on how to manage time, effect change and create a more disciplined office environment.

Anonymous Author
I have always liked Jennifer's classes because she mixes general with good examples of how it applies to work.

Anonymous Author
Good refresher on information we all deal with on a daily basis. Good presenter with good examples as well.

Anonymous Author
Finally found the time to take this course, and glad I did! Presentation was motivating and positive.

Anonymous Author
I don't know that I learned much new in this course; however, it was a good review of the basics.

Anonymous Author
This was an interesting course in learning how to manage your time and meetings and to do lists.

Anonymous Author
Enjoyable and informational. Tips that can be immediately utilized in our everyday work life.

Member's Profile
Good overview of the basics of time management, meeting design, change management, and more.

Anonymous Author
Good content, useful course and very relevant. I appreciate the reminders.

Anonymous Author
It was a fun and informative class. I like how she organize information.

Anonymous Author
Good overall refresher in this area, some good tips to keep in mind.

Member's Profile
Excellent class. WIll be using techniques for professional growth.

Member's Profile
Useful topic. Felt the class was longer than needed for it.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Designed For: Accountants with responsibilities for task, project, or team management.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Learning Objectives and Introduction to The Art of Discipline and Getting Things Done5:00
  The Process of Managing Change11:40
  The Process of Managing Change Cont'd9:55
  The Importance of Accountability6:48
  The Concept of Flawless Project Execution12:40
  Time Management 13:15
  Time Management Cont'd10:44
  To Do List and Other Organization Tips9:21
  Managing Energy and Stress8:23
  Better Meetings13:56
  The Art of Discipline and Getting Things Done1:41:42
  Slides: The Art of Discipline and Getting Things DonePDF
  The Art of Discipline and Getting Things Done Glossary/ IndexPDF