Anti-money laundering (AML) has been a hot topic for financial institutions for decades. Proceeds from these criminal activities represent an estimated 2% to 5% of global GDP. In the U.S. that’s equivalent to $800B - $2T a year, according to the U.S. Office on Drugs and Crime. Money laundering disguises the sources and destinations of these funds and fuels negative downstream effects. This includes compromised financial systems and the means to keep terrorists and crime rings in business.

Anti-money laundering (AML) refers to the laws, regulations and procedures intended to prevent criminals from disguising illegally obtained funds as legitimate income. Anti-money laundering laws cover a limited range of transactions and criminal behavior, but their implications are far-reaching.

The Laws and regulations surrounding AML are numerous and have progressed throughout the years. This course is aimed at understanding the stages of money-laundering, the primary methods used, the laws in place to help prevent and mitigate money laundering and identifying professions that may be most involved in money laundering. Future sessions will focus on processes for mitigating and monitoring for money-laundering.

We will use the “progression of AML chart” presented towards the end of this presentation as a framework to discuss our topic in future courses.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore and define anti-money Laundering and examine how it works.
  • Explore the history of AML.
  • Identify the stages of AML.
  • Recognize and examine the methods used for money laundering.
  • Discover and introduce the progression of AML.
Last updated/reviewed: March 4, 2024
18 Reviews (103 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This was a good introduction to AML. My only issue was that the instructor, in an attempt to not just read the slides, occasionally misspoke - that is "misread" the slide. If you were listening but not following the slide, you would not get the correct information. While I don't love someone reading the slides to me, I do want to get the correct information. Overall it contained good and useful information.

Anonymous Author
asdf j the ihtahdo ahaogha adhha the alm is the best aI think it is goo nlad aI have no actual areo review for this paper ikist just want my certificate becaus e the at that is very essential I hope I have enought characters in this review because this is a bad review as in it is exterememly proficient in the stage and realm of aml

Anonymous Author
Detailed course explaining anti-money laundering. Includes progression of laws and policies. Also includes real world examples and how to use anti-money laundering in our businesses even if not a financial institution.

Anonymous Author
Fascinating course on the ins and outs of money laundering. The detail about how it's done and discovered is useful in my overall understanding of risks.

Anonymous Author
it was very informative liked it very much. do definitely recommend this to my peers and anyone who would like to know more.

Member's Profile
Good overview of money laundering techniques, as well as the rules, processes and techniques in place to catch perpetrators.

Anonymous Author
Appreciated terms but there were some typos in the slides and slide information not supplemented with good examples.

Anonymous Author
Interesting topic - I didn't know much about it other than TV, so this was helpful to increase my understanding.

Anonymous Author
As always, Lynn presents the information clearly and efficiently. Excellent presentation on an excellent topic.

Member's Profile
Interesting course on AML procedures. The course describes what money laundering is, how to detect it.

Anonymous Author
Helpful information relating to Anti-Money Laundering. Slide show PDF is useful information as well.

Member's Profile
Quite interesting and informative course. Some more examples would make it even more engaging.

Anonymous Author
Very good review course on AML good examples. The information shared is very helpful and clear

Anonymous Author
great intro and overall understanding of the history and tactics involved in money laundering.

Anonymous Author
Good review of AML and reporting requirements as well as history and laundering schemes.

Member's Profile
This was very informative; easy to follow and I learned a lot of new things. Thank you!

Member's Profile
I was surprised by the amount of detail; I had never studied money laundering before.

Anonymous Author
Overall a pretty good course. The history could have been a little shorter.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Anti-Money Laundering Understanding the Risk7:35
  Define Anti- Money Laundering6:54
  History of AML14:08
  History of AML Cont'd8:26
Stages of Anti-Money Laundering
  Stages of AML-Placement Stage9:04
  Layering Stage6:45
  Integration Stage2:35
  Classification of Offenses5:14
  What Methods are Most Popular11:46
  Anti-Money Laundering - Understanding the Process1:34:55
  Slides: Anti-Money Laundering - Understanding the ProcessPDF
  Anti-Money Laundering - Understanding the Process Glossary/ IndexPDF