Many financial professionals struggle with communicating in a way other non-financial people understand – one of the six traits of executive presence.  This course is designed to grow the confidence, ambition, and strategic influencing skills of high potential financial professionals in business. The desired outcome is to speak and write with precision, clarity, and persuasion to convey important financial insights to those able to act and respond. 

Course Series

This course is included in the following series:

6 Courses6 Traits of Executive You

  1. 6 Traits of Executive You: Confidence
  2. 6 Traits of Executive You: Relationship Building
  3. 6 Traits of Executive You: Communication Skills
  4. 6 Traits of Executive You: Resilience
  5. 6 Traits of Executive You: Credible Leadership
  6. 6 Traits of Executive You: Personal Branding
Learning Objectives
  • Discover Ethos, Logos, & Pathos and recognize how to incorporate the principles of persuasion into every important message to initiate action and response.
  • Explore how to connect with your audience using storytelling.
  • Discover how to improve your writing skills and recognize how to write like a business journalist to express your opinions with tact and clarity.
  • Explore ways to strengthen your presentation skills to get a standing ovation the next time you present to an audience.
Last updated/reviewed: March 9, 2024
34 Reviews (168 ratings)


Member's Profile
A lot of great tips and insights on communication, including building rapport, storytelling, writing and presentation skills; as well as an understanding of ethos, pathos, and logos. Blair keeps thing informative and interesting.

Member's Profile
I enjoyed the way the concepts were presented. The information shared helped me do some reflection on my writing and presentation skills. The course material will help me become more effective as a communicator.

Member's Profile
This was a very informative lesson. Communicating is very challenging in itself at any level and I think this lesson applies to all levels of professional not even just for executives.

Anonymous Author
It was well done and I thought the presenter gave great examples and was very effective in his presentation skills. You will enjoy this class. Educational and helpful.

Member's Profile
This training should not be underestimated. It contains key points that reflect various angles of communication, some of which are not obvious. Very helpful.

Anonymous Author
The course is informative and thought-provoking on how I can improve my communication skills, making my message humorous, concise and meaningful to my audience.

Anonymous Author
good course for executive presentation methods, this course also helps to read between the lines for the viewers and what is really being said, or not said

Anonymous Author
Great content and lots to take away from this presentation. I am just starting this series and excited to see what else Blair and Jennifer have to share.

Anonymous Author
I had never seen the rules for writing written out so explicitly. I will definitely take that and the other tips into formal communication going forward.

Anonymous Author
I thought this course was very interesting and helpful. I thought the instructor explained the topic very well. I would recommend this course to others.

Member's Profile
Relating communication back to ethos, pathos and logos was very effective. I will take lessons learned with me to evaluate my own communication skills.

Member's Profile
Blair's presentation was very engaging and also informative. I especially liked the Alan Alda bit for the storytelling part of the presentation.

Member's Profile
The course did provide some good advice for communication skills. The exam, in my opinion, did not address the key points raised in the course.

Member's Profile
I thought the course was very helpful. It is well laid out and a lot of good guidance on building overall communication at an executive level.

Member's Profile
It does a good job covering elements of credibility & impact, building rapport, storytelling, and writing & presentation skills.

Anonymous Author
It is always good to refresh the knowledge but also learn some new things, especially in such dynamic and interesting training.

Anonymous Author
This was a well planned class & teaches new finance professionals on how to improve on their communication skills.

Anonymous Author
Cover the essence of how to become a financial executive. Provide easy to implement solutions. Very useful.

Anonymous Author
Concrete examples of how to communicate effectively. Blair does a great job on connecting with his audience.

Anonymous Author
Great course that provides insights of different techniques to improve the overall communication skills.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course. A lot of useful tips were provided. The instructor was very lively and engaging.

Member's Profile
There is a lot of information in the presentation. It can be overwhelming, but it is good information.

Anonymous Author
Some good pointers overall that are applicable not just to the executive level but for all levels.

Member's Profile
I really enjoy CPE classes from this par. They provide tools that can be put into practice

Anonymous Author
This course did an excellent Job at setting great examples of communication skills.

Member's Profile
Excellent discussion on non verbal cues and their importance during presentations.

Anonymous Author
Very useful course on communication skills, including verbal, written and oral.

Anonymous Author
This is a helpful overview of communication concepts. Thanks for the material.

Anonymous Author
Another nice lesson in the six-part series. Picked up several great ideas

Anonymous Author
Very good course to understand key items to prepare for an executive level

Anonymous Author
It is a fun, useful and informative class about communication skills.

Anonymous Author
Course was helpful and had some interesting points on communication.

Anonymous Author
Sufficient number of good examples for anyone to replicate/action.

Anonymous Author
Specific examples and practice opportunities were helpful.

Course Complexity: Intermediate
  • Prerequisite Education: None.
  • Prerequisite Experience: Managerial experience.
  • Prerequisite Preparation:  None 
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  6 Traits of Executive You: Communication Skills Promo2:56
  Introduction to 6 Traits of Executive You: Communication Skills1:23
  Ethos, Pathos, and Logos5:56
  Building Rapport6:04
  Writing Skills13:07
  Presentation Skills11:02
  Traits of Executive You: Communication Skills 51:57
  Slides: 6 Traits of Executive You: Communication SkillsPDF
  6 Traits of Executive You: Communication Skills Glossary/IndexPDF
  Workbook: 6 Traits of Executive You: Communication Skills Glossary/IndexPDF