Dr Sally Ernst has a rare and enriched background blending prominent industry research, business leadership, entrepreneurship, board governance, creativity, innovation, investment and government exposure in an international context.
Sally has over 15 years corporate venturing, internationalization, startup and governance experience in tech companies, spanning Australia, the UK, China, the Philippines, and the US. Sally has held a number of Board positions, contributed to a number of Government-led forums and roundtables, developed and led or participated in high profile industry research, and is part of an angel investor group with a portfolio that includes a number of internet security companies.
Sally is currently co-Founder and MD of the UK and Australian Cyber Security Networks (www.CSNs.co), which focus on holistic immunity against unauthorized access and unintended consequences. It does this through internet security innovation; and, by engaging organisations at Board/ owner level to help them understand cyber security in the context of their business and its interconnected ecosystem, decide how to protect their organizational assets in that context, and act on those decisions.
Both Sally’s MBA and Doctorate (http://tinyurl.com/cfk65jz) specialise in corporate and tech entrepreneurship in a radical innovation context. She has spoken regularly these on topics, more recently with a board and business perspective on cyber security risk, for world leading Universities, medical schools, industry bodies; and, VC, banking, corporate finance and accounting firms.
Sally’s background is firmly grounded in practice and research, having developed and led the Global Entrepreneur Indicator (http://www.eonetwork.org/global-entrepreneur-indicator) with Entrepreneurs’ Organisation and Standard Chartered, which was regularly quoted in the international press, including the Wall Street Journal, and Financial Times. The first round of findings from her current research project CyberSecurity: A Board Director Perspective, with co-researcher Lani Refiti, was released and presented at the AISA National Conference 15-17th October, 2014 (https://www.aisa.org.au/national-conference/).
Doctor of Business Administration, Entrepreneurship and Innovation : Macquarie University - [2003 to 2006]
MBA, Entrepreneurship and Ecommerce : QUT (Queensland University of Technology) - [2000 to 2002]