For over thirty years Ron has been involved in Finance Systems and Processes, from his first job at Deloitte, Haskins + Sells as a 19-year-old programmer writing the Journal Entry subsystem for a trial balance program, through Lotus 1-2-3, Accpac (now Sage), and custom-developed systems (like BOX, the Broker of Obligations and Transactions that connected US Navy accounting systems with Citibank purchase cards), to nine years at Hyperion Solutions (later acquired by Oracle) where he helped raise the toddler now called Enterprise Performance Management. Today, Ron helps organizations understand and realize the business benefits of EPM processes and technologies. Ron is the author of "Enterprise Performance Management Done Right" (Wiley 2013) and lectures at Ohio State, DePaul, and Carleton Universities. Always focused on making tangible contributions to his clients, Ron consults with passion, integrity, and transparency. Ron lives in Chicago.