![Instructor Information](/images/badge-instructor.png)
Dr. Marilyn is the Founder and Chief Excellence Officer of Excellence At Work. Backed by over 20 years experience in organizational effectiveness and leadership development, she currently directs Excellence At Work’s operations. Her role focuses on creating measurable outcomes through individual and corporate coaching, speaking engagements, training, meeting facilitation, and retreats. By motivating individuals to operate at their highest potential, she has gained a reputation for facilitating her clients’ ability to achieve sustainable results while becoming “excellence at work”.
In addition to her current role at Excellence At Work, Dr. Marilyn works with successful and emerging leaders domestically and abroad ensuring their ability to achieve organizational and personal goals. She is also an on-going speaker at both corporate and nonprofit events and has been featured in such global publications as Japan’s JMA Management Center Measurement of Training Evaluation journal.
Through motivational speaking, life coaching, and corporate interventions, Dr. Marilyn has developed a “just do it” style that motivates and encourages clients to achieve higher levels of personal and professional effectiveness. In addition, she is the author of Running Away for Three Weeks, an inspirational autobiography designed to prepare readers for maximum effectiveness in the workplace; creator of Discovering Your Workplace Gifts, an assessment to help individuals identify the gifts they were motivated to discover in Running; and author of Six Steps to Excellence for Leaders, a roadmap to personal and professional excellence for all leaders.
Dr. Marilyn’s academic background includes: a Bachelors in Psychology, with a minor in Business from California State University, Fresno; a Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from San Jose State University; a Doctorate in Organizational Psychology from Saybrook University; and a Business Administration certificate from University of California, Berkeley. Her professional organization affiliations include Bay Area Organization Development Network (BAODN), The Evaluation Consortium, HRExecNet, LinkSV, EPIC, SJSU/Saybrook/BearingPoint Alumni Associations, and American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) where she served for four years as a board member. She is also a HRDrivers consortium founding partner.
Dr. Marilyn can be contacted at www.DrMarilyn-EAW.com or www.linkedin.com/in/drmarilynmcgraw