Hugh Liddle is THE Sales Wizard at Red Cap Sales Coaching and Elite Sales Academy, where you can learn to make selling easy, fun and profitable. You can double your sales and income in 90 days or less, GUARANTEED. Hugh's clients do it all the time! Hugh’s sales training and coaching comes from over 45 years of in-the-field sales and sales management experience, so you get real life experience from his teaching, not just something out of a textbook. Hugh is the author of Take the Icky and Scary Out of Sales, which is available in paperback or Kindle versions at Amazon.com. He’s also a talk show host with his own weekly podcast Sales Chalk Talk at http://soundcloud.com/sct-show. You can access his websites at http://redcapsalescoaching.com and http://elitesalescacademy.com
When Hugh isn’t teaching salespeople, he’s home in Sebring, Florida with his wife, Priscilla, Jasmine the dog and Mooch and Minnie the cats. He plays guitar and bass, sings, writes music and records it. He also enjoys reading and watching Shark Tank on Saturday mornings!