Gianluca Garbellotto (GLG) is a pioneer of the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), the XML-based computer language adopted by governments worldwide for external business reporting.
He is a globally acknowledged expert on the business and technical aspects of XBRL and the XBRL Global Ledger Framework (XBRL GL), and has extensive experience in their implementation in the Government and the private sector. With a leading expertise on Standard Business Reporting (SBR), the XBRL-based regulatory model that focuses on the reduction of compliance burden for businesses, and on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Gianluca is a key contributor to several of the existing SBR government programs and IFRS jurisdictional implementations around the world.
He is a member of the XBRL Best Practices Board and the current Chair of the XBRL Global Ledger Working Group for XBRL International, as well as a United Nations/CEFACT Accounting and Auditing Domain Expert and a member of the ISO/PC 295 - Audit Data Collection group for the Standards Council of Canada. As an active member of various working groups within the XBRL International Consortium, he helps lead the development of XBRL’s standards for internal use and is a strong influence on XBRL’s technical specifications. He is a frequent and sought out lecturer and trainer on XBRL and XBRL GL topics, and has authored numerous articles and white papers.
Gianluca has extensive experience in the financial industry as well as in accounting and financial software development and implementation, with a specific focus on ERP systems, reporting, consolidation, and business intelligence applications, and XML/XBRL implementations. His clients’ portfolio includes Governments in several countries and global companies as well as leading professional, consulting and technology firms.