Chartered Accountant

1998 Illumeo courses meet the global Continuing Professional Development (CPD-IES8) Standard for Chartered Accountants with International Education Standard 8 (IES 8) set by The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Based on our accreditation by existing IFAC members and affiliates, we believe learners can count their professionally relevant, verifiable learning activities on Illumeo, including taking on demand courses and attending live webinars, toward fulfillment of their verifiable CPD-IES8 requirements. However, if there is any question, we recommend that the individual learner confirm with his/her professional licensing organization before taking Illumeo courses for CPD-IES8 credit.
You can manage your Illumeo CPE/CPD certificates and credits through your certificate dashboard which is available when you are logged in to your account (log in now to go there). You can download your certificates as pdfs or email them to yourself at any time. All CPD-IES7 certificates earned through Illumeo will be available through this dashboard.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD-IES8) Requirements and Illumeo Learning Activities
According to IES 8, each of the IFAC’s 175 member bodies and associates are required to establish requirements for and methods to measure professional accountants’ CPD-IES8 activity from one of three approaches: output-based, input-based, or combination.
Output-Based Approaches: require professional accountants to demonstrate, by way of outcomes, that they have developed and maintained professional competence.
Input-Based Approaches: establish an amount of learning activity for professional accountants to develop and maintain professional competence:
- At least 120 hours (or equivalent learning units) of relevant professional development activity in each rolling three-year period, of which 60 hours (or equivalent learning units) shall be verifiable;
- Complete at least 20 hours (or equivalent learning units) of relevant professional development activity in each year; and
- Measure learning activities to meet the above requirements.
Combination Approaches: combine elements of the input- and output-based approaches and meet the requirements of both, as applicable, and as set out in IES 8.
Participation in learning activities can count as relevant and verifiable CPD-IES8 activities if the learner can (a) show that the learning activity is relevant to his/her career, (b) explain how he/she will apply the learning in the workplace, and (c) provide evidence that he/she undertook the learning activity. The following are examples of activities that count toward meeting CPD requirements under IES 8:
- Participation in courses, conferences, and seminars;
- Self-directed learning;
- On-the-job training;
- Participation in and work on technical committees;
- Developing or delivering a course or CPD session in an area related to professional responsibilities;
- Formal study related to professional responsibilities;
- Participation as a speaker in conferences, briefing sessions, or discussion groups;
- Writing articles, papers, or books of a technical, professional, or academic nature;
- Research, including reading professional literature or journals, for application in the professional accountant’s role;
- Professional re-examination or formal testing;
- Providing professional development support as a mentor or coach; and
- Receiving professional development support from a mentor or coach.
As an accredited provider of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) in the United States, Illumeo’s online learning platform, courses, and webinars meet the requirements set forth by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), an IFAC Member Organization, as well as the National State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) and the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), both IFAC Affiliates.
Therefore, we believe learners can count their professionally relevant, verifiable learning activities on Illumeo, including taking on demand courses and attending live webinars, toward fulfillment of their verifiable CPD-IES8 requirements. However, if there is any question, we recommend that the individual learner confirm with his/her professional licensing organization before taking Illumeo courses for CPD-IES8 credit.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer success team at 408-400-3993.