How To

Avoid Becoming a Victim of Business Financial Fraud

How To Avoid Becoming a Victim of Business Financial Fraud Business fraud, often known as corporate fraud, refers to illegal acts carried out by an individual or a corporation in an unethical and dishonest manner. Business fraud is intended to benefit the person or business committing it.

According to studies, the average organization loses 5% of its income to fraud each year. In reducing this loss, the importance of prevention and diagnosis cannot be overstated. Every business should have a strategy in place because avoiding fraud is far simpler than recovering damages once one has occurred.

Asset theft or misappropriation, corruption, financial statement fraud, external fraud and online fraud are the types of corporate fraud.

Asset Misappropriation

Asset misappropriation occurs when employees steal or abuse company resources, and is the most prevalent kind of fraud, accounting for nearly 90% of all cases. Filing fraudulent reimbursement claims to claim phony costs, stealing money directly,  and stealing non-cash assets are all common occurrences.


The second most common type of business fraud is corruption. Employees engaged in corruption schemes leverage their influence in commercial transactions for personal gain, infringing their responsibilities as an employee of the company. Corruption includes bribery, extortion, and conflicts of interest.

Financial Statement Fraud

Financial statement fraud accounted for fewer than 5% of instances but resulted in the highest average loss. These are strategies in which information in a company's financial reporting is omitted or purposefully misrepresented. This might take the shape of exaggerated assets, concealed liabilities, or fake revenues.

External & Online Fraud

Not only internal but external fraud should also be avoided by businesses. A call or email from what looks to be a reputable source, for example, might mislead employees into sharing sensitive information such as bank account details.

As more and more commercial transactions migrate online, businesses are more vulnerable than ever to cyber fraud. A phishing scam or other malicious assault can jeopardize corporate assets and data. Cybercriminals can steal your banking information and other private and important information if you don't have security software and proper training.

As more and more commercial transactions migrate online, businesses are more vulnerable than ever to cyber fraud. A phishing scam or other malicious assault can jeopardize corporate assets and data. To combat these threats, many businesses are equipping their employees with the knowledge and skills to identify and avoid cyberattacks. This can be achieved through internal training programs or by encouraging employees to pursue cybersecurity certifications online. These certifications provide a strong foundation in cybersecurity best practices, allowing employees to play a vital role in protecting sensitive information.

A fraud prevention strategy is critical for any business, be it large or small. Organizations can lower the risk of fraud by establishing certain procedures and controls.

Know Your Employees

Fraudsters frequently exhibit behavioral characteristics that reflect their desire to deceive. Employees can be observed and listened to in order to discover potential fraud. Managers must connect with their employees and spend time getting to know them.

All employees who handle cash or manage client payments should undergo background checks. As an employee's level of financial engagement grows, so should the monitoring of their previous and present conditions.

Implement Internal Controls

Internal controls are plans, programs, or processes used to manage, regulate, and secure assets, as well as financial integrity and fraud detection. Implementing internal controls to easily detect and harder to commit fraud is the simplest way to prevent fraud. Given the fact that many businesses lack a structured program, this is a simple step to take.

Segregation of tasks, and documentation review are essential components of internal control that can help to decrease the risk of fraud. Internal controls should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that they are still effective and keep up with technology and other advancements.

Inspect Company's Bank Accounts

It's simple to examine account activity and statements whenever it's convenient with internet banking alternatives, and management should do so often to ensure that paper-based statements in the office haven't been tampered with.

Missing or out-of-order checks, unclear payment beneficiaries, and checks handed over to a third party rather than deposited in a company account are all things to look for. Employees should be informed that check activity is examined as part of the accounting review process to help prevent fraud.

Audit Books Regularly

Cash, refunds, product returns, inventory management, and accounting activities should all be audited on a regular basis. Non-scheduled audits can also aid in the detection of fraud in high-risk, vital business sectors.

Set Up Reporting System

Employees in fraud-prone sectors of the company should be aware of fraud warning signs, preventive techniques, and how to report suspect behavior or activities by coworkers and customers.

The fraud risk policy, including the forms of fraud and the repercussions, should be understood by everyone in the firm. Those trying to perpetrate fraud will be aware that management is monitoring and, ideally, this will dissuade them. Employees who are not enticed to conduct fraud will be alerted to potential indicators of fraud or theft.

Know Your Business Partners

Make certain you are aware of the essentials before entering into a commercial partnership with another company or person that demands some amount of trust. Knowing their actual address, as well as having other contact means and people, and references, is a big barrier to fraud. A basic web search of a firm should reveal enough information to determine whether they are in business and how long they have been in operation. The commerce department of the local, state, or provincial government is another source of background check.

Get Help of An Expert

If a company has taken efforts to avoid fraud but the numbers still don't match up, or if there are bigger legal ramifications, it may be advisable to employ a financial expert to do a more thorough examination and audit of the company's books and control systems. CPAs and Certified Fraud Examiners may be of great assistance in detecting and prosecuting fraud.

Those willing to perpetrate fraud make no distinctions. It may happen in large or small businesses, in a variety of sectors, and in different parts of the world. One of the most effective strategies to discourage fraudulent activity is to make the business policy clear to workers, enforcing it and implementing the actions and punishments when someone is caught.