The Importance
of Soft Skills in 2019
Soft skills have long been overlooked in the business world, perhaps because technical skills were so important. That’s why hiring managers focused on them, scouring resumes for key terms and specific experience with software or systems. However, that practice is becoming more obsolete as technology becomes more prevalent. Let's look at three reasons why soft skills are so important in 2019.
Soft Skills are Hard to Teach
First, because it’s actually easier to teach technical skills than soft skills. Think about how much easier it is to teach a new employee how to use the in-house software than it is to think creatively (one of the most desired soft skills for 2019). Here are a few other soft skills that are notoriously hard to teach:
Customer service
Learning from criticism
Conflict resolution
Communication effectiveness
Working under pressure
If you’ve ever worked with someone who struggled in one of those areas, you likely know how frustrating it can be. Even if the person knows absolutely everything tech wise, they’re very hard to work with.
More Interpersonal Interactions
Second, people interact with each other more than ever, making interpersonal skills incredibly important in today’s world. Whether it’s working closely with co-workers or directly with customers, employees are talking with people on a regular basis. That’s why these soft skills are so important. They are — or should be — the foundation of every good employee.
Soft Skills are the Future
Finally, as technology continues to improve and automation becomes more common, it’s the soft skills that are going to set employees apart. In fact, one study conducted by Deloitte Access Economics predicts that two-thirds of all jobs in Australia will rely on soft skills by 2030. That prediction could just as easily be for the United States or any other country in the world. Being able to think outside the box, deliver impeccable customer service, and work in high-pressure situations are all skills that every employer will require.