Internal Audit

The Complete On Demand Expertise Management Platform for Any Internal Audit or Compliance Organization
Free Corporate TrialSo Much More Than CPE

Most Internal Audit “professional development” solutions are simply CPE platforms. While CPE is certainly important, what's most important if you are an IA leader is developing your own IA/Compliance expertise and building an expert team.
The Illumeo Internal Audit and Compliance Expertise Management Platform provides full cycle professional development for every department in the IA organization. Of course we include CPE for CIAs, CRMAs, CFEs, CISAs, and CISTs (and over two dozen other certification types), based on courses that are all taught by senior practitioners. From internal audit to SOX to compliance, finance, accounting, operations and more, you will find the best learning solution available right here, on demand, at a price even a CFO will love.

Deep Functional Learning

Illumeo has over 600 courses for the Office of the CFO from over 200 instructors, including dozens of courses just for internal audit and compliance professionals. No one offers a deeper or broader library. Our courses are all taught by senior practitioners, including many-time CAEs, CFOs, Controllers, Technology leaders and more, and all that experience adds up to invaluable context for you and your team.

Internal Audit Assessment

Just where do you stand with regards to your IA skills? Do you need to hire for that next project or do you have someone with the skills already? Would you know? With Illumeo’s internal audit competency assessment you will.
Then turn your knowledge into action by giving projects to those who can already do them, or by automatically targeting training to those who need to learn.

Internal Audit Employee Onboarding

Internal audit organizations are creatures of habit. Audit and review processes and procedures need to be very specific and reviews need to be carried out meticulously to minimize errors and avoid disrupting the business.
Getting new employees up to speed quickly depends on capturing and teaching your processes, as efficiently and quickly as possible. We help you do that with powerful tools and unsurpassed efficiency, to get your IA and compliance teams up and running fast.

Compliance Training

SOX, COSO, FATCA, and many more. The CFO’s organization is charged with staying up to date and keeping the company out of trouble. There’s just so much to cover!
Our experts have already built deep, world-class on demand learning for compliance, and we can help you build your own company-specific compliance training as well. It’s fast, easy and effective - all the things you need for compliance.

Knowledge Management

You’ve done it all before. It’s not like each monthly close is the first one. Same with budgets and forecasts and dozens of other key processes.
Why don’t you capture that institutional knowledge? You have the SMEs, we have the tools. Turn a person’s expertise into instantly accessible institutional knowledge.

Continuing Professional Education Credit (CPE/CPD/CE)

Many of today’s professionals in corporate finance hold certifications such as CPA, CMA, CIA, CTP and many more.
Illumeo is accredited to provide continuing education credits for over two dozen professional certification types. Using Illumeo for finance learning simultaneously helps your team meet their certification requirements at no extra cost.

Experts Get Farther Ahead, Faster

Who are the experts in your organization? I bet you know. The fact is, experts get more accolades, faster promotions, and the genuine ability to move themselves, their careers and their companies forward. Expertise is not built in a day, but it need not take decades either. Illumeo's Internal Audit Expertise Management platform has everything professionals in IA, finance and accounting need to build genuine expertise, using a straightforward set of tools and expert instruction, all available anywhere, on demand, and inexpensively.
Get The FlyerYou Can't Improve What You Don't Measure

Illumeo’s Internal Audit Competency Assessment platform provides a quick, simple, versatile solution for assessing IA employees’ learning needs. Illumeo has pre-built assessments for Internal Audit and, more broadly, corporate finance and accounting, along with benchmarks for over 80 job titles. IA assessments and the subsequent discussion build engagement and trust between employee and manager. And companies can quickly and easily get their own custom assessments. All assessments lead to personalized learning recommendations.
Get The FlyerFive Habits of Successful Corporate Finance LeadersHow To Become A Great Finance Leader Regardless of Your Current Title

How do you become a great finance leader, every day, regardless of your current experience and job title? If you aim for greatness, and have great habits, you will learn, find success, and set yourself up for successful leadership at multiple levels.
Across corporate finance disciplines, you will find that most truly great corporate finance leaders have five key habits. To find out what they are...
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