
Useful Bookkeeping Tools

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These documents are ancillary to the Bookkeeping certificate program and are to be used as guides for your own bookkeeping work.

It is important to note that these tools are NOT be used as simple check-lists. They must be appropriately tailored to your organization's or client's needs. They are practical tools being provided to assist participants in brainstorming and developing the proper documentation needed to establish your bookkeeping processes.

NOTE: This course is one of a series of courses developed for the Professional Bookkeeping Certification program on Illumeo. The full curriculum of courses will provide you with the ultimate foundation to a career as a bookkeeper. 

  1. Bookkeeper Responsibility Checklist – Information Sheet

    This information sheet is to be used as an example outlining typical responsibilities of the bookkeeper for each function below. It is not meant to be all inclusive. Responsibilities and assignments may vary based on the organization.

  2. Debit and Credit Guide - Information sheet

    This document is an instructional sheet that provides a summary of how debit and credit’s impact various financial statement accounts and balances.

  3. General Ledger Worksheet – Template

    This is an example of a general ledger worksheet with tabs for monthly expense summaries, itemized expenses and year-to-date budget summary. This worksheet can be expanded to include other specialized accounts or sub-accounts that the organization may choose. This is not mean to be an all inclusive worksheet and is an example template only.

  4. Paycheck Calculator – Template

    Use this worksheet to assist in calculating individual pay and withholdings. Note: the second worksheet contains the tax tables for 2019. You must check the IRS tax tables annually and update the worksheet.

  5. Payroll Manual Worksheet – Template

    This is an example manual timesheet template that exhibits the type of information that an organization would want to capture for timekeeping purposes. This is an example only. You must tailor the information to what is important to your company.

  6. Accounts Receivable Explanation Guide – Instructions

    This is an instructional memo explaining aspects of creating an accounts receivable aging report and using that information to determine how to estimate an allowance for doubtful accounts.

  7. Accounts Receivable Aging – Template

    This is an example template showing the requirements to develop an accounts receivable aging report.

  8. Cash Forecast – Template

    This is an example template that provides an outline of items that would be considered in preparing a cash forecast. The individual line items are those that should be tailored to each organization. Use this as a brainstorming tool only.

  9. Inventory Spreadsheet - Template

    This template can be adapted to assist the organization in tracking inventory. The columns listed include: Inventory ID, inventory name, description, unit price, quantity in stock, reorder level, reorder time, quantity in reorder, discontinued. These are example columns and can be tailored to your organization.

  10. Inventory Spreadsheet – Template

    This is an alternative format to utilize to track total inventory in a warehouse as well as the value of the inventory. Columns are segregated into categories and include: Asset: Item number; Name; Description; Type; Location: Department; Space; Purchase;: Date of last order; Vendor; Purchase price per item; Warranty Expiration date Quantity/Value: Condition, Quantity, Asset Value, Total value Asset Information: Model; Vendor number; Remarks; Photograph

  11. Depreciation Template

    This template outlines several depreciation methods and provides a template for calculating depreciation.

  12. Depreciation MACR - Template

    This template outlines methods for depreciation calculation based on MACRS. (The Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System)

  13. Invoice – Template

    This is a mock template to that displays the type of information bookkeepers would want to ensure are included on their invoices. Note: Based on your business there may be additional information you would wish to include.

  14. Bank Reconciliation Process and Template

    This is an informational sheet and template for utilizing when preparing a bank reconciliation.

  15. Overview Accounting Process Manual – Instructions

    This provides an example of an overview accounting process manual. When creating your initial accounting policies and procedures manual, start with an overview of your accounting process and system. Remember not everyone has an accounting background, so a review of the concepts and an overview of your people and software is the place to begin your manual

  16. Accounting for Assets Policy - Instructions

    This document provides information for creating a complete assets policy. An asset management policy is a cornerstone of a solid and complete asset management strategy. It is like a compass pointing everyone at your organization in the right direction when making decisions about assets. It does this by providing a set of guiding principles, intentions, goals and methods for asset management, so everyone feels confident in their choices and contributions to the facility.

  17. Revenue for Recognition Policy - Instructions

    This document provides information for creating a revenue recognition policy. Revenue recognition is a generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP) that stipulates how and when revenue is to be recognized. The revenue recognition principle using accrual accounting requires that revenues are recognized when realized and earned–not when cash is received. The revenue recognition standard, ASC 606, provides a uniform framework for recognizing revenue from contracts with customers

  18. Purchasing Policy - Instructions

    This document provides information for creating a purchasing policy. Purchasing policies are typically a part of a company's overall operations handbook. It will describe the purpose for the policy, restrictions placed on employees, responsibility of purchasing department employees and other specific procedures or processes.

  19. Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Policy - Instructions

    This document provides information for creating an accounts payable policy and as well as an example policy. The accounts payable process is important since it involves nearly all of a company's payments outside of payroll. Regardless of the company's size, the mission of accounts payable is to pay only the company's bills and invoices that are legitimate and accurate.

    This document provides information for creating an accounts receivable policy as well as an example policy. Accounts receivable is defined as an asset that reflects a future payment. In actuality, an accounts receivable is a debt. How your business deals with the debt obligation, and the terms of the debt, must be clearly written in organizational policy that your staff understands

  20. Financial Reporting Policy - Instructions

    This document provides information on what to include in a financial reporting policy. Financial Reporting Procedure ensures that financial reporting is completed in accordance with legal and ethical requirement and accepted accounting practices; completed within the required time frame(s) and forwarded to required agencies; reviewed and signed by company officers who attest to the reasonable accuracy of the information; and available for the company’s needs.

  21. Fraud Policy - Example

    This is an example fraud policy outlining various components of information that organizations should consider. The corporate fraud policy is established to facilitate the development of controls that will aid in the detection and prevention of fraud against the company.

  22. Code of Ethics Policy - Instructions

    This provides information on what to include in developing a code of ethics policy.

  23. Miscellaneous Policies - Instructions

    This provides information on establishing various policies such as: Accounting for Expenses; Authorization Policy; Internal Control Policy; Records Management Policy

  24. Documenting Processes and Controls for Sarbanes-Oxley Guide

Note: Information within this course comes from readily available public domain documents and is utilized by the trainer as a supplement for relaying the course content.

Last updated/reviewed: March 18, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

14 CoursesProfessional Bookkeeping Certification

  1. Bookkeeping: Terminology and Process Execution
  2. Bookkeeping: Debits And Credits
  3. Bookkeeping: Cash vs. Accrual
  4. Bookkeeping: Payroll And Expenses
  5. Bookkeeping: Legal Entity And Chart Of Accounts
  6. Bookkeeping: Journals, Subsidiary Ledgers and General Ledger
  7. Bookkeeping: Responsibilities
  8. Bookkeeping: Fixed assets and inventory
  9. Bookkeeping: Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable And Receipts
  10. Management Internal Control Essentials
  11. GAAP Principles, Assumptions and Considerations
  12. GAAP Presentation of Financial Statements
  13. Bookkeeping Basics – Case Study Scenario
  14. Useful Bookkeeping Tools
22 Reviews (67 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I have been very appreciative of the opportunity to take advantage of this Professional Bookkeeping Certification Course with Lynn Fountain and Illumeo. Prior to taking accounting courses I searched for a bookkeeping certification program but did not find one that I found attractive. This course for me has been a really good review and reiteration of the basic accounting concepts. I have experienced what I call a “gelling” of the information from all the accounting courses that I have taken. I was also very pleased with the quick response of the instructor to questions or comments I had about the material.

Member's Profile
It is a very long and dry course. A lot of the material is self-explanatory but there are some items that could use narration/explanation. It does cover pretty much every aspect of the business though, so good for review purposes.

Anonymous Author
This course overall is a great tool to learn in dept and understand the commonly used terms and how to use them. I have learned a lot from this course overall. Would recommend it to anyone who wants to get info accounting world.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this complete certification course. It was very informative and will be beneficial not only in my current position but I can see in my professional future. Thank you. Very pleased with the whole process.

Member's Profile
I have learnt great bookkeeping techniques and skills that would improve my performance on the job. The various concepts were well introduced and i enjoyed every steps. I look forward to excelling in thus field.

Anonymous Author
I will recommend this bookkeeping tools course for anyone who is not intimate with Bookkeepers useful tool. This course will serve as a guide. I found this course helpful and I am delighted I did it

Member's Profile
These courses helped me to understand and get a better overview of bookkeeping. I took financial accounting before these courses and this brought it all together.

Member's Profile
The information allowed is very helpful. The PDFs allow one to go back and review the course and use the information as need be. These are very helpful tools.

Anonymous Author
Very useful material, and I'm filling out the survey so I'll have access to these pdf's and excel sheets even after the course is completed.

Member's Profile
These are great tools to help with day to day work. I really feel I gained a lot of information to help with my role as bookkeeper.

Member's Profile
All of the Supporting Materials seems overwhelming, however each document in this section is vital and will definitely be useful.

Anonymous Author
Great list of supplementary bookkeeping tools, there are tools covering numerous aspects of the bookkeeper's role.

Member's Profile
Great information and loved the videos and slideshows. Printed out all the information to keep.

Anonymous Author
The bookkeeping tools are very useful and practical. Love all of the policy instructions.

Anonymous Author
So many helpful, downloadable tools in this section. This will help me in so many ways

Anonymous Author
The course was very good, I’m especially happy to have the tools at my disposal.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course for anyone in business! I highly suggest this course!!

Member's Profile
These are very good tools they will help a lot in anyone's job as a bookkeeper

Member's Profile
Has a bunch of useful information and helps provide a more thorough learning

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
Tons of helpful information. Examples of policies very thorough.

Anonymous Author
Great tools for to use for a bookkeeper. Overall good course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers1 Question
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Course Syllabus
Supporting Materials
  1. Bookkeeper ResponsiblitiesPDF
  2. Debit and Credit GuidePDF
  3. GL WorksheetXLSX
  4. Paycheck-calculatorXLSX
  5. Time Sheet-TemplatePDF
  6. AR Schedule Explanation and Allowance computationPDF
  7. AR AgeingXLSX
  8. Cash Forecast TemplateXLSX
  9. Inventory SpreadsheetXLSX
  10. Alternative Inventory TrackingXLSX
  11. Depreciation TemplateXLSX
  12. Depreciation MacrsXLSX
  13. Invoice TemplatePDF
  14. Bank Reconciliation ProcessPDF
  15. Overview Instructions for Accounting ManualPDF
  16. Instructions for Accounting for Assets PolicyPDF
  17. Instructions for Revenue Recognition PolicyPDF
  18. Instructions for Purchasing PolicyPDF
  19. Instructions for AR and AP PolicyPDF
  20. Instructions for Financial Reporting PolicyPDF
  21. Example Fraud PolicyPDF
  22. Instructions for Code of Ethics PolicyPDF
  23. Instructions for other Misc. PoliciesPDF
  24. Documenting Processes and Controls for Sarbanes-Oxley GuidePDF