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This course discusses the differences and details of private, permissioned blockchain (BC) technology, in contrast with the better known (but less used in business applications) public blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Private blockchains have a much faster consensus methodology and can process many orders of magnitude more transactions than public blockchains.
This course illustrates some of the current applications of BC for business operations and its use for safely sharing information with partners.
Course Key Concepts
Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Information Technology, Process Improvement, Supply Chain, Blockchain Applications, Hyperledger Fabric, Integration, Process Reengineering, Business Operations
Learning Objectives
- Explore the differences and advantages of private, permissioned blockchains over public blockchains for business applications
- Explore how BC technology can be used to safely share information and help integrate business partners
- Discover how the Hyperledger Fabric private blockchain operates
- Explore business applications of private blockchains
Included In Certifications
This course is included in the following Certification Programs:
10 CoursesBlockchain Applications Analyst Certification
- Understanding Blockchain Technology and its Capabilities
- Blockchain Use in Supply Chains and Systems Integration
- Advanced Blockchain Business Applications
- Private, Permissioned, Business Blockchains
- Blockchain for Business Process Reengineering and Competitive Advantage
- How to Assess Blockchain Value for Your Organization
- How to do Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to assess Blockchain Value for Your Organization
- Calculating Blockchain Application ROI
- Blockchain Design and Implementation
- Blockchain Advanced Uses and Future Developments
1 Review (4 ratings)
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course, but completing “Understanding blockchain technology and its capabilities” beforehand is highly recommended, especially for those who do not know blockchain basics
Education Provider Information