There are hundreds of fraudulent investments that crash and burn every year injuring investors from all walks of life.  These schemes result from a trade or business and those seeking profitable investments.  The losses, as a general rule in the schemes, are deductible since these investors were seeking profits. This is a business loss and such a loss may be recovered in the form of tax refunds.

Welcome to the world of Bernie Madoff. Explore a world where you can be a millionaire one day and broke the next. In this course you will identify the techniques available for defrauded investors to recover funds in the form of taxes they will not have to pay for a financial theft loss. You will also discover the legal methods of maximizing the tax refund offered from both the United States and taxes paid to almost all of the separate states, and will be able to recognize the difference between Ponzi Schemes and other types of thefts.
Learning Objectives
  • Explore a world where you can be a millionaire one day and broke the next. Welcome to the world of Bernie Madoff.
  • Identify the techniques available for defrauded investors to recover funds in the form of taxes they will not have to pay for a financial theft loss.
  • Discover the legal methods of maximizing the tax refund offered from both the United States and taxes paid to almost all of the separate states.
  • Recognize the difference between Ponzi Schemes and other types of thefts.
Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024
8 Reviews (41 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Very informative course on Ponzi's and the IRS treatment of deductions. It's a very complex area and this course gave a very good overview of what a Ponzi scheme loss is and how the amount and timing of theft loss is calculated. This is an excellent course to take if you need to learn some interesting points.

Member's Profile
Much of the information in this course was new to me; I’m looking forward to learning more about Ponzi schemes. The material was presented in such a way that it was both interesting and easy to pick up on. The instructor is obviously very knowledgeable about his subject.

Member's Profile
Some of the slides seemed to either have a few grammatical issues or were a bit confusing or had overlap. Could have been more straightforward or black and white.

Anonymous Author
Nice overview. Source materials were well laid out and supported the objectives of the course.

Member's Profile
interesting tax course related to ponzi schemes and impact on taxes

Anonymous Author
this was a good course that went over new rules for theft losses.

Anonymous Author
very informative presentation by a very knowledgeable presenter

Anonymous Author
good overall...... pretty esoteric knowledge. easy test

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Ponzi Scheme Theft Loss4:36
  The Amount & Timing of The Theft Loss6:23
  The Law & Internal Revenue Ruling, The Safe Harbor & The Internal Revenue Procedure and Tax Planning12:50
  Professional Tax Planning3:07
  The Safe Habor10:35
  The Safe Habor Continued7:37
  Estates & Trusts2:03
  Ponzi Scheme Theft Loss47:11
  Slides: Ponzi Scheme Theft LossesPDF
  Ponzi Scheme Theft Loss Glossary/IndexPDF
  Supporting DocumentPDF