Digital transformation is an organizations adoption of digital information technology to digitize non-digital products, services or operations. Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to create, process, store, retrieve, and exchange all kinds of data and information. The goal for its implementation is to increase value through innovation, invention, customer experience or efficiency. Digital transformation is broader than just the digitization of existing processes. It is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers.
This course serves as a launch into the topic of digital transformation. We examine the reasons behind the movement, methods to evaluate your organization’s current capabilities towards transformation and key steps needed in moving your organization further along in the transformation maturity process. Other courses will delve further into steps taken during the transformation process.
Course Series
This course is included in the following series:
4 CoursesDigital Transformation
- Moving Towards Digital Transformation
- Digital Transformation: Finance and Accounting IPA and RPA - Part One
- Digital Transformation: Finance and Accounting IPA and RPA - Part Two
- Digital Transformation: Digitization, Digitalization and Digital Transformation and IT Automation
Learning Objectives
- Discover and definition of digital transformation.
- Explore and examine the history of digital transformation.
- Explore why digital transformation matters.
- Identify and examine the benefits of digital transformation.
- Explore and examine a maturity process for digital transformation.
- Identify the planning requirements to move towards digital transformation.
2 Reviews (30 ratings)
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
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