Since the passing of the Sarbanes-Oxley act in 2002, the economy and world has experienced many changes and significant turmoil.

  • The 2008 subprime mortgage/housing crash
  • 2010 emergence of the iPad and other smart technologies saw more pressure put on SOX in the form of new templates, terminology, and requirements
  • 2020 COVID emerged and changed the way many organizations work
  • The onset of remote work
  • Increased cybersecurity concerns
  • The fast-track pace of emerging technologies
  • Adoption of COSO 2013 internal control framework
  • Various new accounting standards. (ASC 606 and ASC 842)

With organizations looking to do more with less, organizations need a compliance program that provides additional business insights in order to be sustainable.  By modernizing the SOX program, a company can:

  • Identify opportunities to increase efficiency
  • Shift focus and efforts to areas that matter most
  • Potentially reduce the cost and time requirements of compliance
  • Extract value and provide insights to other areas of the organization beyond finance and accounting

SOX teams planning should account for marketplace trends regarding economic instability, the impact of today’s shifting workplace, the burden of ongoing compliance, and the technology race. This course focuses on each of these concepts and how they impact the daily SOX operations along with how technology solutions can position your business to effectively maintain compliance.

The courses: Sarbanes-Oxley Update - 20 Years Later: Sourcing Emerging Risks Part 1 and Part 2 touched on some of these risks. This course is designed to take a deeper dive into understanding the importance of these areas and appropriately addressing them and modernizing your SOX efforts.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore and evaluate concepts tied to economic instability and how this should be addressed for SOX.
  • Explore and examine how to use refreshed risk assessments to modernize your SOX efforts.
  • Identify how to use technology as a modernization tool for SOX compliance.
  • Identify the changing trends of supply chain management and its impact on SOX.
  • Discover and evaluate considerations for information produced by the entity (IPE).
  • Explore and examine how workplace changes are impacting fraud.
  • Discover and examine the burden of ongoing compliance.
Last updated/reviewed: March 27, 2024
4 Reviews (42 ratings)


Member's Profile
Great overview of how rapidly changing technology and trends can both improve as well as must be accounted for in SOX compliance efforts.

Anonymous Author
I have taken several courses created by Lynn Fountain and have been satisfied with each one thus far.

Anonymous Author
Very useful course. Training given by a very knowledgeable trainer.

Anonymous Author
Thank you. Great course, excellent slides and very informative.

Course Complexity: Foundational
No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Modernizing your SOX Compliance Efforts10:40
  Economic Stability4:02
  Risk Assessment9:14
  SOX and Supply Chain Management15:54
  Information Produced by Entity6:58
  Workplace Changes1:46
  Ongoing Compliance2:35
  Modernizing your SOX Compliance Efforts1:28:26
  Slides: Modernizing your SOX Compliance EffortsPDF
  Modernizing your SOX Compliance Efforts Glossary/IndexPDF