They say that leaders are born, not made. While it is true that some people are born leaders, some leaders are born in the midst of adversity. Often, simple people who have never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation they care about requires it. A simple example is parenting. When a child arrives, many parents discover leadership abilities they never knew existed in order to guide and protect their offspring. There are countless war stories of simple GI’s and sailors who rose to a challenge on their own in the heat of battle.

Clearly, leadership potential exists within each of us. That potential can be triggered by outside events, or it can be learned by exploring ourselves from within. This training takes the latter approach. Once you learn the techniques of true leadership, you will be able to build the confidence it takes to take the lead. The more experience you have acting as a genuine leader, the easier it will be for you. It is never easy to take the lead, as you will need to make decisions and face challenges, but it can become natural and rewarding.

Course Key Concepts: Leadership, Manager, Influence, Vision, Leadership traits, Strategy, Goal Setting.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover and define leadership and identify traits.
  • Identify and list the 3 theories of leadership.
  • Explore and design your leadership vision.
  • Recognize and plan to grow staff with encouragement strategies.
  • Discover and formulate goal setting strategy.
Last updated/reviewed: March 22, 2024
6 Reviews (31 ratings)


Anonymous Author
This course provided some good guidance, but was light on specifics and details. The slides were very general, while the speaker provided all of the detail. This may work well for some, but I'm a more visual learner.

Anonymous Author
This training session was a brief look into leadership, slides were a bit too brief

Member's Profile
The presenter offered good theory with not enough actionable take-aways.

Anonymous Author
Excellent course that incorporated vast research and leadership models.

Anonymous Author
Nice introduction to leadership concepts and how to influence others.

Anonymous Author
Presenter was knowledgeable and course content was appropriate.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Leadership and Influence4:59
  Leadership Principles and Theories12:12
  Creating An Action Plan7:58
  Taking Risks5:40
  Encourage Growth in Others4:26
  Human Connections4:05
  Principles of Influence3:21
  How to Accomplish Your Vision4:54
  Leadership and Influence47:35
  Slides: Leadership & InfluencePDF
  Leadership & Influence Glossary/ IndexPDF