In this course we discuss how to make the strategic connections between the organization’s strategy and the people strategy.

We begin with a review of how linking Human Resources (HR) processes effectively to support the organization can drive strategic value. Next we discuss how to develop HR’s influence at the senior level in the organization and transform the HR function’s effectiveness.  Then we work through the key aspects of HR strategy from identifying organization needs and priorities and defining situation specific, integrated HR strategies that drive value for organizations in key areas.

This course serves Human Resource professionals who need to develop their strategic thinking and translating their learning into practical plans for implementing a HR strategy in the workplace. 

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the key Human Resources (HR) issues and external/internal strategic context for organizations
  • Explore the key steps to developing an effective HR Strategy that is suitable for the organization
  • Discover situation specific integrated HR strategies that drive value for organizations in key areas.
Last updated/reviewed: March 10, 2024

Included In Certifications

This course is included in the following Certification Programs:

11 CoursesHuman Resources Management (HRM) Certification

  1. Developing an Agile Organization
  2. Human Resources (HR) Strategy Development
  3. Using Data for Human Resources (HR) Decision Making
  4. Leading and Managing People
  5. Becoming an Employer of Choice
  6. Talent Management and Succession Planning
  7. Systems of Strategic Reward Management
  8. Training Design for Return on Investment
  9. Strategic Change Management
  10. Human Resources (HR) Influencing at the Board Level
  11. HR Strategy Development (Article)
6 Reviews (23 ratings)


Anonymous Author
SWOT analysis seems to be one of the most underrated items in my opinion. I believe it can help so many people and so many organizations improve their performance as well as drive people towards better increased job satisfaction by doing the things they are really good at.

Anonymous Author
The instructor provided a comprehensive overview and techniques to establish an effective and compelling human resources strategy. Good refresher of internal and external factors to consider!

Member's Profile
Links nicely with the business strategy classes, explains the relationships between the two and how HR can drive business strategy by developing their own strategy

Anonymous Author
The steps for completing a business strategy are clear for me to now take forward and implement in my work place.

Anonymous Author
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Anonymous Author
Go explanation of strategy from the human resource management point of view.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to HR Strategy Development1:38
  Key Terms and Definitions 10:05
HR Strategy Development
  The Context for HRM13:08
  Identification for Environmental Factors 11:36
  Driving Strategic Value 6:15
  Influencing at a Senior Level 9:30
  Situation Specific 6:28
  Course Conclusion 4:23
Continuous Play
  HR Strategy Development 1:03:04
  Slides: HR Strategy DevelopmentPDF
  HR Strategy DevelopmentGlossary/IndexPDF