
High Impact Auditing Practices

72 Enrolled
1 Hour (On-Demand)
1 CPE  

This course is a premium course it can be accessed either by individual purchase or through a premium subscription

Purchase this course | $36

Every day, the expectations placed on internal auditors are on the rise. As a result, we find ourselves in a constant state of “catching up” in order to meet the needs of management, board members, other clients and even ourselves. This program will deliver proven ideas that can dramatically increase the daily effectiveness and perceived value of the individual auditor and the audit team. 

You’ll learn:

  • How to define and deliver Better audit results – on every audit project
  • The importance of creating Impact on audit credibility
  • Why both audit procedures and auditor behaviors are both critical
  • 32 High Impact Auditing Practices  - and exactly how to apply them in your work
Learning Objectives
  • Recognize technical and behavioral actions needed to create measurable positive impact – on every audit project
  • Explore a practical proven plan for influencing positive change where change is needed to meet organizational objectives
  • Identify 32 specific High Impact Auditing Practices – for use on every project
  • Discover the fundamentals of selling improvement ideas – and increasing the probability that your ideas will be heard


Last updated/reviewed: March 12, 2024
14 Reviews (46 ratings)


Member's Profile
Really appreciated a human and actionable explanation of the true purpose of auditing and its procedures and focusing not just on the technical tools that can be used to increase effectiveness but also the communication standards, tools, and focuses that help open up discussion and encourage more precise and effective work and results. Goal alignment is difficult to attain at times as well as perspective on the way to get there, this really provided a great way to naturally attain alignment.

Anonymous Author
Another great presentation by the instructor! I really hope the platform gets more courses from him as I would be very interested in taking more! Some really great tips to keep in mind and I will plan on using them going forward to help guide me.

Anonymous Author
The instructor shared many good tips and experiences. I think we often forget the power that an idea can have, and it's true that sometimes we forget that not everyone has the same level of knowledge (especially with acronyms!).

Anonymous Author
The instructor explains positive tactics that are designed to effectively reach auditees, which he has utilized throughout his extensive auditing career. Excellent content that can be used in any audit situation.

Member's Profile
This course contained practical advice for improving audit processes and behaviors for auditors with any level of experience. I found this course very valuable and appreciate the presenter's insight.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed the material in this course. It is great to hear from an experienced professional on the qualities desired for an audit professional. I would enjoy more courses from this instructor.

Member's Profile
Fantastic course! John is great in that he doesn't just repeat the usual boring textbook items but has novel ideas and thoughts on the profession. Highly recommended!

Anonymous Author
Sincerely one of the best training courses I've taken in a while. Great take away and presented in a way that lingers with the audience.

Anonymous Author
Interesting out of the box thinking applied to audit. Good thoughts on how to add value to a service that can be considered a commodity.

Member's Profile
This was an excellent course. Great ideas on how to listen to our clients and deliver an effective message with a positive impact.

Member's Profile
This presentation was like a mentor chat. I have not gotten bored even a second. Thank you very much!

Anonymous Author
This short course was very informative with lots of helpful "hints". I very much enjoyed it.

Anonymous Author
Really useful webinar. I will try and put into actions some of the behaviors identified

Anonymous Author
Good tips and ideas to improve audit quality and better audit skills

Course Complexity: Intermediate

There are no specific prerequisites for this program, although a working knowledge of auditing principles and practices is helpful. However, it is recommended to take the other courses in the series in addition to completing this one.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to High Impact Auditing Practices9:05
  Better Planning Procedures and Behaviors11:50
  Better Communication9:53
  Better Execution5:47
  Better Reporting8:30
  Follow Up & Conclusion5:33
  High Impact Auditing Practices50:39
  Slides: High Impact Auditing PracticesPDF
  High Impact Auditing Practices Glossary/IndexPDF