The Journal of Accountancy stated that audiences understand and remember numerical information more easily when a CPA presents it visually as well as verbally. This course covers the basics of creating, editing and formatting a chart and more. It also shows you how to create a default chart as well as a custom chart. It discusses different chart types such as a combination chart, 2 y axis chart, stock charts, funnel charts and waterfall charts. The course also discusses how to efficiently link your Excel charts into PowerPoint and Word so that your presentations are always up-to-date.

Review Questions and Final Exam are completed under section "Review and Test".

Learning Objectives
  • Identify between the different chart types and recognize their components so that they can select the appropriate chart type to use for a particular presentation.
  • Recognize the different steps involved in creating charts.
  • Recognize how to edit existing charts by resizing, changing chart type, moving chart elements and adding/ deleting data series by using contextual tabs menus and short cut keys
  • Recognize how to apply formatting techniques, such as colors and inserting objects such as graphics, to a chart.
  • Recognize how to change the default chart type.
  • Recognize the steps required to create custom chart types and how to save them as templates to improve efficiency.
  • Identify between the different methodologies of linking Excel data and using static Excel data into PowerPoint presentations.
  • Recognize how fonts, colors, graphics, documentation and printing can impact the professionalism of a PowerPoint presentation.
Last updated/reviewed: November 13, 2024
22 Reviews (90 ratings)


Member's Profile
Excellent, clear course material. Great examples. Covers everything I'd hoped to have covered. I'm an advanced Excel user having used it since 1995, but charts have been my least strong area of knowledge. This course fills in a lot of the "how to" where I've seen charts that presented in a way that I had no idea how it was done but now I do.

Anonymous Author
Good, practical tips on how to use all of the different chart features in Excel, as well as some pointers on how to create effective charts and presentations. This would be a good course if presenting via slides/charts is a large portion of your work.

Anonymous Author
It is suprisingly easy to make charts in excel and it is a very useful tool for presentations as long as you follow some simple rules. This course highlights the key points without going into too much detail or too much technical data.

Anonymous Author
The detailed explanations and examples were helpful! I've been making charts for several years and learned a few tips that I didn't previously know!

Anonymous Author
There were several good hints and tips included with this program. I have built several graphs and I still learned a few tips and tricks.

Anonymous Author
I consider myself strong in Excel, though I admit I'm weaker in Charts than I would like. This was a great guide. Very informative.

Anonymous Author
Lots of good information on Excel charting. I wasn't expecting so much PowerPoint discussion, however.

Member's Profile
Absolutely fabulous, detailed course, helps you actually enjoy getting in the weeds with Excel charts!

Member's Profile
Course materials were easy to follow and closely connected with the review questions and final exam.

Member's Profile
Patricia always has good information. I have now done several of hers, and all are great!!

Member's Profile
Very detailed and thorough. Thanks for outlining all the steps for each chart feature.

Anonymous Author
Really interesting information and new graphing/charting tools to use. good course.

Anonymous Author
Really enjoyed this class. It was a good refresher on creating and editing charts

Anonymous Author
great course on charting in Excel; information was clear, organized and helpful

Anonymous Author
Course is well developed and put together. Great information, I learned a lot.

Member's Profile
I have been using Excel for many years but this course gave me useful tips.

Anonymous Author
This included some helpful tips on newer types of charts in Excel.

Member's Profile
Very useful information about the major areas of Excel charts.

Member's Profile
very good course, good presentation and pertinent information

Member's Profile
I liked that it's pdf and text based. Easy to follow along.

Anonymous Author
Useful content and will be a good resource to look back on.

Member's Profile
Great course, I really enjoyed it. Very informative.

Course Complexity: Foundational

This course is written for Excel 2019 and Microsoft Office 365 users. However, users with Excel 2016 should have little difficulty. A basic understanding of file management (how to open and save files) is assumed. You should be comfortable using Excel at a basic level.

VERSION: Excel 2019/ Microsoft Office 365 (Updated through Nov 8, 2024). ADVANCED PREPARATION: None
Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Creating Effective Charts PDF
  Workbook: Creating Effective ChartsZIP