Risks are an essential part of all businesses. Firms that develop a disciplined strategy to understand and manage risks have a distinct advantage over their competitors, including both higher returns and lower cost of capital.

This course provides an overview of the concepts of corporate enterprise risk management from the perspective of a finance and accounting organization, emphasizing the integration of risk management and corporate strategy.

The course starts with an overview of the types of risks businesses face, and then discusses best practices in risk assessment and enterprise risk management, including the COSO Enterprise Risk Management framework. The linkage of corporate governance and risk management is explored, including a discussion of key findings from a New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) commission on corporate governance.

This course covers the Enterprise Risk Management material published in the content specification outline for the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Part 2 examination.

Topics include: 

  • Overview of Risk
  • Basics of Risk Management
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • COSO framework for Enterprise Risk Management. 
  • Corporate Governance and Enterprise Risk Management

Course Key Concepts: Corporate Governance, Corporate Risk Management, COSO, Enterprise Risk Management, ERM, Monte-Carlo Simulation, Risk Assessment, Risk Maps, Scenario Planning, Value at Risk (VaR).

Learning Objectives
  • Identify risk.
  • Identify the types of risk and key elements of each. 
  • Recognize risk management and its key steps. 
  • Explore the use of probabilities to assess risk.  
  • Identify strategies for risk response. 
  • Recognize Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and explain its key objectives, components, and benefits.
  • Recognize the role of the Committee of Sponsoring Organization’s (COSO) ERM framework. 
  • Explore the role of corporate governance in ERM. 
Last updated/reviewed: March 7, 2024
12 Reviews (64 ratings)


Anonymous Author
Instructor is appealing. Course content provides a good review of COSO and Enterprise Risk Management. I would appreciate a second course that dives into the quantitative analysis of risk.

Anonymous Author
* Topical coverage suitable for an intro to ERM * Good pace / Scope of content aligned with time allotment * Materials serve as a good future reference

Anonymous Author
This course provides a good understanding of what Enterprise Risk Management is how the different types of risk are viewed and evaluated.

Anonymous Author
very good overview, including corp gov section that clarifies difference between Board and Management's respective responsibiliities

Member's Profile
I really enjoyed listening to Tom Coghlan and no doubt he is well experienced and educated in Audit and Risk Management.

Anonymous Author
This is a refresher course on ERM. Nothing surprised me. This training will be most useful to beginners.

Anonymous Author
This course did a great job of going over enterprise risk management and the COSO framework.

Member's Profile
A good overview of Corporate Risk Management including basics of Coso ERM framework.

Anonymous Author
Great course on the differences between traditional risk management and ERM.

Anonymous Author
It was good for me to understand the basic of Corporate Risk Management.

Anonymous Author
Well presented, easy to follow, not dull. Informative and relevant.

Anonymous Author
Good course, including level of detail and instructor.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction and Overview of Risk14:47
  Basics of Risk Management Part 115:35
  Basics of Risk Management Part 213:03
  Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Part 112:54
  Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Part 213:00
  Corporate Governance and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)9:58
  Corporate Risk Management 1:19:03
Supporting Materials
  Slides: Corporate Risk ManagementPDF
  Corporate Risk Management Glossary/IndexPDF