Who knew how easy it is to steal? This course uses five recent employee theft cases to demonstrate the importance of internal controls and management oversight in the prevention of employee theft. A recurring theme in each of these cases is a lack of appropriate internal controls and a lack of management oversight.

Learning Objectives
  • Discover and associate employee theft with inadequate internal controls.
  • Recognize the importance of management oversight in the prevention of fraud.
  • Explore five recent employee theft cases to demonstrate the importance of internal controls and management oversight.
Last updated/reviewed: Sep 02, 2024
22 Reviews (74 ratings)


Member's Profile
The case studies were very informative. Also, with Koss, the detail that shows the interrelated results, in terms of the criminal cases, administrative proceedings that resulted in financial penalties, and the volume of civil litigation between aggrieved parties shows how complicated the downstream impact of one of these situations can become. How dare Koss sue Amex! Some thanks for Amex tipping them off in the first place (I'd say sour grapes for having already taking a hit and looking for someone to get back at....)

Anonymous Author
One of the more interesting Illumeo fraud courses. 5 case studies illustrating brazen fraud of scale varying from $300,000 to $60 million. Text-only format was refreshing as it allows you to read at your own pace. It was interesting to follow up online to learn further details about these cases and more recent developments. Very nicely organized with the mechanics of the fraud and how they were discovered clearly laid out.

Anonymous Author
The course has some really good cases and really did a good job on explaining where things went wrong. The stories highlight some serious frauds committed and how things can go wrong when you place too must trust and not enough internal controls....

Anonymous Author
I was not familiar with any of these fraud cases, so it was interesting getting the details behind them. The design of this course (case studies) helps to bring home the lessons to be learned.

Anonymous Author
Excellent case studies with analysis describing the conditions in companies that permitted significant fraud to occur. Remember - Trust is not an internal control. This sums it up perfectly.

Member's Profile
Quite an interesting course. Provided some insightful information about the consequences of the absence of the most simple internal control procedures.

Anonymous Author
Insight into many examples of employee theft and fraud. Thorough analysis of opportunities for theft and what could've been done to prevent fraud.

Member's Profile
Joe prepared a good course highlighting real examples of fraud, and illustrating the internal controls that were absent or not working properly.

Member's Profile
This was an interesting course. I loved the true-life examples. I wish the companies involved would have been more attentive to controls.

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
Good course providing appropriate and real life examples for frauds that could be perpetrated when controls are insufficient.

Anonymous Author
Fascinating case studies in employee theft! Astounding that such situations can exist today, but perhaps it shouldn't be...

Anonymous Author
Good foundational course on accounting and auditing fraud--shows the importance of senior management/Board oversight.

Anonymous Author
It is always interesting to try to understand individuals' motivations to commit fraud. Interesting case studies.

Anonymous Author
Simple and short course, not an exhaustive list by any means but effective in getting the point accross.

Anonymous Author
Very interesting cases and excellent detail and analysis. I really enjoyed reading through this course.

Anonymous Author
Good variety of fraud types and clear, simple language about why it happened.

Anonymous Author
This is a great course and very informative regarding fraud and controls.

Anonymous Author
Interesting cases os employee theft and how internal control matters.

Anonymous Author
This was a good review of several examples of brazen employee theft.

Member's Profile
Love reading about these cases, these are always my favorite CPE's

Anonymous Author
Interesting case studies in a nicely laid out format.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
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