This course discusses the important of evaluating materiality and risk, which will impact the auditor's planned audit evidence. This course also describes how to develop a preliminary judgment about materiality and consider the most appropriate risks for each engagement and review the eight steps involved in creating the audit plan.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the three types of fraud.
  • Identify the SAS that provides guidance to auditors in assessing the risk of fraud.
  • Recognize the three elements identified by the AICPA to prevent, deter, and detect fraud.
  • Recognize who is responsible for identifying and measuring fraud risks and taking steps to mitigate identified risks.
  • Identify the procedures to address the risk of management overriding internal controls that are otherwise operating effectively.
  • Recognize the characteristics of different types of fraud.
Last updated/reviewed: March 13, 2024
112 Reviews (465 ratings)


Anonymous Author
I'll echo some of the other reviews for this course in that it was not near the standard I'm accustomed to for Illumeo. The slides were some of the worst I've seen, they did not help with most of what was being presented and there were a lot of grammatical errors. The presenter seemed pleasant but was clearly reading from a script and the cadence and errors made it very hard to follow along, especially because the slides did not capture key points at all. She would frequently repeat whole sentences she'd already read. The separation of lessons and topics didn't make sense with how the information was presented. Overall, the course provided a lot of good information about audit planning but it desperately needs a better presentation and more careful editing.

Anonymous Author
While this still served the purpose of refreshing my knowledge of the audit process, it could have been a lot better. The speaker and manner of presentation was incredibly dry and hard to follow, and the slides were oddly spaced out and therefore confusing. Maybe that was done to have space to take notes if this was originally an in-person class with handouts, but as far as organizing material in a logical manner, it was lacking. The charts were good though. Audit terms without examples of application are very vague and hard to follow. A case study covering 1 or 2 companies throughout the whole process would have been better, with setting materiality, selecting samples, etc.

Anonymous Author
I did not like that many of the review questions in particular seemed to have more than one correct answer. Other than that, it was a great course. Also, I don't like that this review box states that it is a minimum of 50 characters, but then it also says that the review is optional, suggesting that the minimum character count is 0. You may want to remove the Minimum of 50 characters sentence and only show that if the user attempts to submit a review that's less than 50 characters. You can also remind them at that time that the review is optional if they simply want to delete the entire review.

Anonymous Author
This course is not up to Illumeo standards. Some of the important information presented verbally is not contained in the slides. There is also a lot of repetition, as if pieces from the presentation were spliced into it multiple times. Some of the quiz and exam questions were misworded, meaning the participant could only GUESS at the correct answer.

Anonymous Author
Several of the questions in the quiz and final are poorly written, contain grammatical errors, etc. to the point where a lot of time was spent trying to determine what the question was asking. For others, it's as though the question and the multiple responses listed got misaligned somehow. This is the first course where I've experienced this.

Anonymous Author
The course was heavy on information but provided a strong refresher on important audit material. I would recommend perhaps a shorter assessment as 50 questions was quite tedious. However, I found that the slides provided were very effective. I enjoyed the format and how the information was succinct and to the point for each section.

Member's Profile
The information provided in this course was presented well and provided a good overall understanding of the planning process of an audit. However, the exam itself needs to be proofread as there were several questions that were written so poorly as to make no sense of the question being asked.

Member's Profile
The course was very information and a great review of audit planning. It was very detailed, and some points were reinforced numerous times. I found that some of the charts were not easy to read. Also, some of the questions were not easy to ascertain exactly what the question was asking.

Anonymous Author
This is a very long training and a little dry since the trainer is mainly reading the information and you follow-through with the given downloadable slides, but it is very detailed information and relevant to any audit, not only financial. None the less, great training.

Member's Profile
There were several poorly worded slides and misspellings. There were also several instances of test questions being written poorly and unclear. It did serve as a good refresher but not the quality I would normally expect.

Anonymous Author
The exam questions were almost illiterate at some points. Other than that, this was a good refresher course on audit planning procedures, evaluating risk of misstatement, responsibilities, and internal control guidance.

Member's Profile
This course is an excellent review of audit planning and a great refresher. I especially like the discussion of various internal controls because I was able to get ideas of ways to improve my own companies controls.

Member's Profile
Stated prerequisite requirements were appropriate and sufficient. Program materials were relevant and contributed to the achievement of the learning objectives. Time allotted to the learning activity was appropriate

Member's Profile
The course was well structured and covered all the relevant materials. The speaker had a natural pleasant voice that allowed for easy listening. The material topics emphasized the important concepts for each section

Anonymous Author
Having never worked for a public accounting firm, this was a great reminder of the considerations they undertake when planning and performing an audit. It provides insight into their requests and methodologies.

Member's Profile
This course gives a good overview of the various phases for planning audit plans, including risk, analytical procedures, testing, materiality, controls, communication during and after audit completion.

Member's Profile
Great review of audit principles and theory. Presenter did a very good job of staying interested and engaged throughout the presentation. Could have used more practical examples to improve content.

Anonymous Author
This course is far to long for a non text based course the listen only becomes far too much to handle for such a long period of time this could easily be broken up into shorter segments.

Anonymous Author
Detailed detailed detailed. This is the best all-inclusive presentation of the audit process I've taken. Great guidance for use with companies/clients preparing fior their first audit

Anonymous Author
The course was very thorough. Everyone in private sector should take. The organization can be improved--I found myself reading the same concept again in different sections.

Anonymous Author
I liked all the information I reviewed and the slides that were put together for the course. Nice refresher for someone who doesn't work as a financial statement auditor.

Anonymous Author
The trainer provided some verbal examples, but this course could be much better if they added examples to slides and provided interactive content to aid in understanding.

Anonymous Author
Thorough overview of the audit planning process. I wish I had taken this course during my first year as an auditor to have a better, more complete picture of the process

Member's Profile
I liked how the course was appropriate to my work and it will help me perform the audit planning in a more efficient manner in the future. the course was really helpful

Anonymous Author
Great course would recommend to anyone in the profession. This exam provided great examples about the audit process from planning to issuing an audit opinion.

Anonymous Author
The course is too long for just 1 course, it should at least be sectioned. Audit planning itself has various sections, in this way it may be less tedious.

Anonymous Author
Great course! Even though I am not an auditor, it helps to understand what goes on in the audit process so I can help make the annual audit more efficient.

Anonymous Author
A deep dive into audit planning and how to develop a preliminary judgment about materiality and consider the most appropriate risks for each engagement.

Anonymous Author
This is a detailed course on the audit process. The fraud section was very insightful and interesting. Explained the audit planning process in detail.

Anonymous Author
This was a great refresher course and a great way to earn a large chunk of CPE at once. There were a few typos on the final exam, but was ok otherwise.

Anonymous Author
Fantastic course. A comprehensive audit planning course with full of examples and course materials. Good job and great effort made by the instructor!!!

Anonymous Author
This course is probably a bit too long. Additionally, better phrasing and vocabulary in the materials and written questions would probably be helpful.

Anonymous Author
GOOD discussion about audit planning. This provides a meaningful and informative review to help us auditors understand how to plan audits effectively.

Member's Profile
The instructor presented the material in a clear, concise manner. The format of the course flowed easily through the individual phases of an audit.

Member's Profile
Thorough content on audit planning and great presentation. The course has a very extensive emphasis on fraud that I thought was very valuable.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course. It had a small section on risk management, internal controls and fraud and financial management. Very informative!

Anonymous Author
The training was detailed and very helpful. It clearly explains the audit planning process, types of risk and procedures to be performed.

Anonymous Author
Although this course had alot of detail, it was a great overview and review for me. Material was straight forward and easy to reference.

Member's Profile
This is an all-inclusive presentation of the audit process. Great guidance for use with companies/clients preparing for their first audit

Member's Profile
Really great course! A lot of useful information in the lessons and supporting material. Everything helped prepare for me the final exam.

Member's Profile
A few of the questions had typos. Also, the slides were bland and could have consolidated into few slides to make the deck more concise

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
The topic of Audit is always a confusing beast compared to daily accounting tasks. This was a good course full of nuanced information.

Anonymous Author
good course. again, i think there was bad wording of some of the questions whereby multiple answers could've technically been corret

Anonymous Author
This is a great course. A good refresher or auditing topics including understanding planning, and how to perform an audit etc.

Member's Profile
I really appreciated honing in on my audit planning skills and look forward to putting them to good use in my day to day.

Anonymous Author
Good course, noticed some typos in questions that didn't have a big impact but did make a few questions a bit confusing.

Member's Profile
Very good training with lot of materials to refer. This will provide a user with in depth knowledge of audit planning.

Anonymous Author
This was a great refresher on audit planning procedures. It's lengthy, but I definitely found the information helpful!

Anonymous Author
Really informative - great overview of the audit process. Some questions were oddly worded, but exam was reasonable.

Anonymous Author
Easy to understand Powerpoint deck and material. As an Internal Auditor, it was a good refresher of information.

Anonymous Author
very comprehensive training, I liked the fact that examples were used to better present the subject Very good

Anonymous Author
A well prepared and delivered overview of audit planning. It had been quite some time for this information.

Anonymous Author
good overview, lots of credit hours, good overview, lots of credit hours,good overview, lots of credit hours

Anonymous Author
poorly written content and confusing exam questions that are lacking words to create complete sentences.

Anonymous Author
Great refresher for auditors. Easy to follow lessons and the quiz and final exams were straight-forward.

Anonymous Author
The questions in the quiz and test are hard to understand and at times do not make sense grammatically.

Anonymous Author
Good general overview of the planning process. The slides provide good points and are easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
That was a great exam and course. super good materials, good execution, another great test. THank you

Anonymous Author
There were many typos in the course and exam, but if you can ignore those, this was a good overview.

Anonymous Author
This course covered a lot of important material in a manner that was easy to follow and understand.

Anonymous Author
Great Course! Explained every step of the the Audit Planning process well. Highly recommended.

Anonymous Author
Incredibly comprehensive unit and a good refresher on how an auditor should conduct themselves

Anonymous Author
Very good details of audit process. presentation not too abstract and acceptable for learning.

Anonymous Author
As a former auditor, this course was a nice refresher and reminder as I continue in private.

Anonymous Author
Really informative (but lengthy) course. I enjoyed the use of graphs and charts throughout.

Anonymous Author
Great refresher and will plan to take again. Learning plan was well developed and helpful.

Anonymous Author
excellent summary of the audit process and how important the external audit function is.

Anonymous Author
Great review course. Worth the time to review as needed. The instructor does a good job!

Anonymous Author
I have not worked in Auditing during my career so found the course content informative.

Anonymous Author
Learned everything I needed to learn and earned an appropriate number of CPE credits.

Anonymous Author
holy cow! this was fantastic and thorough. If only Worldcom had subscribed to Illumeo.

Anonymous Author
The course had a lot of good information, but did have some audio fuzziness at times.

Anonymous Author
This was a great course for anyone who wants to learn more about the audit planning.

Anonymous Author
They have sufficient detailed information to understand the course's objective.

Member's Profile
Not easy quiz questions, but the final exam is relatively easy to find an answer.

Anonymous Author
The course is a good refresher. The materials are very good and well organized.

Anonymous Author
This course provided a thorough representation of Audit Planning. Well done!

Anonymous Author
Great refresher on an important area. We need to keep going with learning.

Member's Profile
Great stuff. Really enjoyed the material. Key for financial stmt auditors

Member's Profile
Subject matter is explained in detail but the slides have no subject index.

Anonymous Author
Great course, clear and concise, would recommend others to take this course

Anonymous Author
Lots of good information, but it felt like listening to an audio textbook.

Anonymous Author
Easy to follow. Reasonable question on the test and number of questions.

Anonymous Author
The course was laid out in a logical way. It was easy for me to follow.

Member's Profile
Good refresh on audit planning for an industry guy, highly rrecommended.

Anonymous Author
The exam questions provided a good review of audit planning concepts.

Anonymous Author
Great overview of the audit planning process. In depth and detailed

Member's Profile
very high level review of how to plan and initiate the audit process

Member's Profile
Good review. Well written review of planning. Very comprehensive.

Member's Profile
Excellent! I felt like i learnt a lot, and know more about audit!

Anonymous Author
The course is very helpful. Really good information is reviewed.

Anonymous Author
Good class. Every time I take this class I learn something new.

Member's Profile
This is great module for, although it does consume a lot of time

Member's Profile
excellent course. well-taught and effective. I love auditing!!!

Anonymous Author
Well laid out course materials and easy to follow progression.

Member's Profile
Content well organized and accurate to my industry experience.

Anonymous Author

Anonymous Author
Good course that was easy to listen to and very informative!

Anonymous Author
great course and I can totally relate to these discussions.

Anonymous Author
Good overview and refresher of the audit planning process

Anonymous Author
great refresher course! Information is presented clearly.

Member's Profile
Good course material and excellent material organization

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed this course, and I found it very informative.

Anonymous Author
good course, well structured, great content, good job!!!

Anonymous Author
Horrible slides, very disorganized and hard to follow.

Anonymous Author
so good! Chris did a great job! Definitely essential!

Anonymous Author
good refresher of audit planning and internal controls.

Member's Profile
Good class, enjoyed it. Well put together. Thank you.

Anonymous Author
Good detailed overview of the audit planning process.

Anonymous Author
Clear, concise, and practical. Perfect for beginners!

Member's Profile
Test questions had a confusing sentence structure.

Course Complexity: Intermediate

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Course Questions and Answers1 Question
Member's Profile
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Audit Planning3:30
Lesson 1-5
  Phase of An Audit17:06
  Control Risk22:15
  Client Acceptance20:42
  Management and Governance23:12
  Types of Analytical Procedures22:19
Lesson 6-11
  Set Materiality and Assess Acceptable Audit Risk19:13
  Estimate Misstatement19:35
  Evaluating Management Integrity29:56
  Internal Control and Assess Control Risk18:04
  Reasonable Assurance23:50
  Reliability of Financial Reporting Controls29:54
Lesson 12-17
  Control Activities20:17
  Understanding and Evaluation of Internal Accounting Controls25:55
  Communication to Those Charged with Governance23:01
  Gather Information to Assess Fraud Risks20:04
  Duration of Fraud Schemes19:20
  Type of Organization Susceptible to Financial Fraud19:37
Lesson 18-23
  Mitigating Fraud Risks20:30
  Sign of Revenue Fraud19:48
  Reporting Mechanism20:33
  Accept Client and Develop the Audit Plan19:30
  Tests of Details of Balances 23:29
  Audit Procedures27:59
  Audit Planning Lesson 1-51:49:04
  Audit Planning Lesson 6-112:20:32
  Audit Planning Lesson 12-171:45:13
  Audit Planning Lesson 18-232:11:49
  Slides: Audit PlanningPDF
  Audit Planning Glossary/ IndexPDF