This course focus on the updated filing requirements surrounding individual taxpayers across all filing types. Additionally, this course will go into detail regarding the updated basic standard deduction, additional standard deduction, personal deduction, and penalty amounts. Finally, this course will go over the filing of a deceased taxpayer's
federal Income Tax Return and the treatment of decedent income.

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize the new standard deduction amounts across all filing statuses.
  • Identify the requirements that must be met to file as any of the five filing statuses.
  • Identify the new standard deduction and additional standard deduction amounts.
  • Recognize the circumstances that will disallow taxpayers from taking the standard deduction.
  • Identify when a taxpayer is required to file their federal income tax return.
  • Recognize the various penalties associated with filing a return or paying taxes late.
  • Identify the tax responsibilities and treatment of income associated with a recently deceased taxpayer.
Last updated/reviewed: July 25, 2024
63 Reviews (348 ratings)


Member's Profile
Lots of good info presented. However, the presenter just read all of his slides to us. Don't feel he was really needed to speak given that fact. The slides were also mainly textual, which after awhile is hard to keep chugging through, Would have preferred some more visuals and easier to view formats.

Member's Profile
The information was thorough and easy to understand, but the attempt at updating the audio for 2023 was not well done. There are cut off words, silence, and in one case, the audio did not match the slide amount. Just a note, I believe it should be "dual citizenship" rather than "duel citizenship".

Anonymous Author
Had some good content but everything in the lecture was also on the slides with large blocks of text. Could have just read through the slides instead of listening to the lecture and gotten all of the same points.

Anonymous Author
As other reviews have stated, this course is a bit too much reading of the material. I do love having all of the material in the power point presentation, but some variety in the speaking of it would be nice.

Anonymous Author
Understanding that it is not always easy, more lively presentation or engagement would have been helpful. Reading from slides isn't a great way to help volumes of dense information be remembered by students.

Member's Profile
I thought this course would be more about what's new/different in 2020 but really it was very comprehensive covering off on all the basics. A 1 hour update would have been more useful to me, personally.

Member's Profile
The information of the course as it was very straightforward and educational. Perfect review for the end of 2023. The pdf of the slides at the end are great, excellent reference if needed.

Anonymous Author
I found the course comprehensive enough to address the most important basic tax filing requirements and thresholds. It was easy to follow. The practice aids - pptx download was helpful.

Anonymous Author
I enjoyed the information of the course as it was very straightforward and educational. THe pdf of the slides at the end were great as well to go over before taking the practice exam.

Member's Profile
Good information, really heavy on the text in the slides though. Would be better off elaborating more and talking on subjects instead of just reading off of really text heavy slides.

Anonymous Author
The instructor read the slides verbatim. A lot of good information, but it was more like a book on tape, rather than a training course. The sound was also a little glitchy.

Member's Profile
There are some gaps in the audio where the 2023 numbers should be. A little hard to follow at times. Also, a couple of repeats. it's just an odd recording.

Anonymous Author
It was very educational and informative with great slides. The only thing is that it seemed that it was just read right off the slides. Otherwise very good.

Anonymous Author
Content was fine but disappointing that the instructor couldn't take the time to re-record sections and opted to simply mute out amounts that had changed.

Anonymous Author
Good course, audio had some cut offs but was not distracting. The information in this course can benefit anyone who files an individual tax return.

Anonymous Author
The audio was a reading of the slides. A text would have been faster. It could have been better to have more examples applying a ruling.

Anonymous Author
This course on the 2023 Filing Requirements was very informative. It provided a good update, and served as a reminder of things to look into.

Anonymous Author
I thought that the material was fine but the speaking presentation left a lot to be desired. It was easier to just read the slides myself

Anonymous Author
Good summary course with provided new standard deduction amounts and requirements that must be met across all filing statuses.

Anonymous Author
The course was a good summary. I really wish I could view the exam questions that I got wrong. That would be very helpful.

Member's Profile
The course was very easy to follow and understand. The instructor was clear and concise. The materials were appropriate.

Anonymous Author
Covered a lot of basic information, some current, some for prior tax years. Also covered some more in depth explanations.

Member's Profile
Hopefully new courses will be added for 2023 tax year. I am hoping illumeo updates a few courses and give more variety.

Anonymous Author
Great course, very informative. The slides and instructors are detailed and to the point. Highly recommend this course.

Member's Profile
Course is full of information but really not very informative - all information is common knowledge or easy to look up.

Member's Profile
Presentation was well laid out and supported the objectives of the course. Support materials were clear and concise.

Member's Profile
Good course, lots of info. I don't like that I have to leave a review with a certain number of words, it's annoying.

Anonymous Author
Good course but there was a lot of time spent on situations that are not applicable to the majority of tax filers.

Member's Profile
Good information but not much more given than what was on the slides. Seemed like it could have been a self study

Anonymous Author
Good overview of filing statuses for general use and very helpful reference for unusual and/or complex situations.

Anonymous Author
Good overview with some sprinkles of oddities that come up in tax preparation. Good for anyone who files taxes!

Member's Profile
Great course very informative. I like the instructors communicative style and presence in the learning materials

Member's Profile
Good material for audio learning. Covered a lot of ground in enough detail. The audio was a bit inconsistent.

Member's Profile
would have liked it if instructor was more conversational, rather than just reading verbatim from the slides.

Anonymous Author
very detailed and reminder of rules for 2023. This is helpful as we start filing tax returns for 2023.

Anonymous Author
Really informative. Detailed enough for me to understand the basics and have in mind as a taxpayer.

Anonymous Author
Very detailed course that covers all of the important information about each status and good advice

Anonymous Author
Just reading the slides without additional commentary was not the best method to keep my attention.

Anonymous Author
It was a good overview of the updates and I was able to learn interesting tax information.

Member's Profile
The review question about the filing requirement for MFS statuw3 is incorrect. It is $5.

Member's Profile
Instructor did a great job at covering a vast array of topics. Explained them well, too.

Anonymous Author
I liked the specificity in questions during the exam, testing my actual knowledge

Anonymous Author
hits very core questions. makes one think about the little items in the tax law

Anonymous Author
It was a great course. Very straight forward. Good info . Thank you !!!!!!!!

Member's Profile
It's very helpful to understand the basic information of tax return in U.S.

Member's Profile
Very informative! I think the instructor covered a nice variety of topics.

Anonymous Author
Good course with good understanding of tax liability of individual filing.

Anonymous Author
This is a good refresher course that has been updated with 2023 amounts.

Anonymous Author
Informative. Course is at the right level of detail for an overview.

Anonymous Author
the recording had a very slow monotone voice. not a lot of examples.

Anonymous Author
good review of what is to come in 2023 and the 2024 tax filing season

Member's Profile
very good overview. useful recap. holistic. succinct. good coverage

Anonymous Author
Slides were good and comprehensive - information was well organized.

Anonymous Author
Good update on individual filing amounts and requirements for 2023.

Member's Profile
the audio is broken up when updating the tax year amounts for 2023

Anonymous Author
Great update for 2024! I’m saving the slides to refer back to.

Anonymous Author
Good overview and update on tax law changes and implications.

Member's Profile
A very thorough explanation of the filing status for taxes.

Anonymous Author
This course was extremely informative and comprehensive.

Anonymous Author
Great job, thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

Anonymous Author
Good refresher on individual tax compliance. Thanks!

Anonymous Author
Good information for the upcoming tax year in 2023.

Member's Profile
Relevant information provided in a concise manner.

Course Complexity: Foundational

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Individual Filing Requirements05:10
  Tax Return Requirements20:04
  Overview of Filing Statuses: Single and Head of Household18:16
  Overview of Filing Statuses: Married Filing Jointly11:48
  Overview of Filing Statuses: Married Filing Separately and Surviving Spouse10:12
  Overview of The Standard Deduction12:40
  Filing Requirements for Individual Taxpayers17:32
  2024 Individual Filing Requirements1:35:42
  Slides: 2024 Individual Filing RequirementsPDF
  2024 Individual Filing Requirements GlossaryPDF