This course describes how to identify what is included in the gross estate and demonstrate how to calculate gross estate amounts, discuss portability, and explain the benefits of electing portability and also describe Generation Skipping Transfer Taxes.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify and calculate the gross estate of the decedent.
  • Recognize the various deductions and credits available when calculating the gross estate of a decedent.
  • Recognize the benefits of electing portability and calculating portability exemption amounts.
  • Discover and describe the purpose of Generation Skipping Transfer Tax according to the IRC.
Last updated/reviewed: August 26, 2024
10 Reviews (69 ratings)


Anonymous Author
The content consisted almost entirely of the instructor reading the slides. Some of these concepts are very difficult, and more examples would have been helpful.

Member's Profile
Course is substantially comprised of reading bullet points on slides. Examples with numerical components were read aloud without presenting them on a slide, in all instances save one. From my perspective, course would benefit from the instructor explaining WHY certain provisions exist and, perhaps, basic estate tax planning elements that are commonly used to take advantage of IRC provisions.

Anonymous Author
Very informative presentation. Detailed explanations of the gross estate value. Good insight into the Portability of the ACA ( Unified Credit). A variety of examples given, possibly the instructor could include a slide with the calculations in addition to his verbal explanations.

Anonymous Author
This course offered great detail to the various steps of valuing an estate, and provided examples to ensure the knowledge. The instructor was slightly dry but it is difficult to explain this topic with a sense of enthusiasm so I understand.

Anonymous Author
I skipped the entire presentation and just read the slide deck. Every word that comes out of the presenters mouth is verbatim on the slide deck. Very disappointed with Illumeo's content and will be looking for other CPE

Anonymous Author
Good information overall but slides were lacking. Lecturer gave some examples which included calculations that were hard to follow and not included in powerpoint.

Member's Profile
This was a good basic foundational class on estate taxes. The instructor was clear and concise. The examples were relevant and easy to follow.

Anonymous Author
Adding slides to visually show the examples discussed orally would really improve the user's comprehension. Great coverage of the topic.

Anonymous Author
Speaker appeared to be just reading a script and had no knowledge of the subject matter.

Member's Profile
It would be nice if the examples have slides instead of just rattling off the numbers.

Course Complexity: Advanced

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required. However, it is recommended to take first
2022 Estate Taxes Part 1

Education Provider Information
Company: Illumeo, Inc., 75 East Santa Clara St., Suite 1215, San Jose, CA 95113
Contact: For more information regarding this course, including complaint and cancellation policies, please contact our offices at (408) 400- 3993 or send an e-mail to .
Instructor for this course
Course Syllabus
  Introduction to Estate Taxes Part 212:20
  Debts and Other Important Estate Items27:10
  3 Gifts8:32
  4 Valuing the Gross Estate23:32
  5 Marital Transfers and Portability37:12
  Estate Taxes Part 21:48:46
  Slides: 2024 Estate Taxes Part 2PDF
  2024 Estate Taxes Part 2 GlossaryPDF