Assess. Improve. Repeat.

Understanding where you are is the first step in getting to where you want to go.
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Assessments Matter

For most people professional development consists of intermittent on the job training, an occasional seminar, and incremental improvement where they already excel. This is a waste of precious time and talent for the individual and their company. With Illumeo, every professional or their manager can quickly measure their expertise against benchmarks for their position and immediately create a personalized development plan that serves as a road map to future success.
Industry Benchmarks Provide Context for Career Paths

With benchmarks covering hundreds of job titles, individuals instantly see how they stack up in current and future roles.
Illumeo’s Managed Assessments help managers objectively understand employee strengths and learning needs, minimizing personal judgment and creating a stronger relationship between the employee and their manager.

Managed Assessments Lead to Valuable Insights

Illumeo's Managed Assessments can be 1:1 or include input from colleagues, supervisors, and business partners for 180°, 270° or 360° views.
Invaluable insight and opportunities are uncovered during the conversations between employee and manager as they align their ratings and discuss the future needs of the employee, team and business.

Functional Assessments Aligned to Key Competencies

The technical competencies that are crucial for one function typically don't apply at all to another function.
Illumeo has built assessment models for corporate finance, HR, marketing and sales and corporate clients can build unlimited custom assessment models.

Recommendation Engine

You don't want to "surf" through hundreds of courses to find the few that you really need. We don't want you to, either.
That's why we built an automated recommendation engine that takes your quick and simple assessment input and turns it into a fully automated, prioritized list of courses you should take. This saves you time choosing courses, reduces waste from taking courses you should not have taken in the first place, and keeps you on the path to your career goals.

Framework Built for Customization

Illumeo’s Assessment Framework is built for fast, simple customization. Quickly and easily define categories, competencies, and rating scales.
You can go beyond competency assessment to measure employee engagement, project participation, or virtually anything your company needs to assess.