
at Illumeo

Illumeo Customer Success
(Blogs at Illumeo)

Why Professional Development Has Been Left Behind in the Enterprise

Why Professional Development Has Been Left Behind in the Enterprise Let’s face it, when we hire, we hire for the job we have right in front of us. And when we do that, we have in mind a very precise list of needs and wants.

Illumeo Customer Success
(Blogs at Illumeo)

Where's the Productivity?

Where's the Productivity? In early September, second quarter productivity growth estimates were revised - from -0.5% to -0.6%.

Illumeo Customer Success
(Blogs at Illumeo)

The Social Compact is Dead. Long Live Expertise Management

  The Social Compact is Dead. Long Live Expertise Management We all know the days of spending your entire career at one company are over. Heck, the average tenure of a U.S.